Lord Monckton barred from Copenhagen conference – pushed to the ground by security

This was the scene yesterday in Copenhagen. As you can see the scene is rather agitated with lots of police action, including use of billy clubs. As of this writing, no pictures or video is available of Lord Monckton’s account below. Hopefully somebody in the crowd will post some. I wish him well. I’ll also be glad when this conference is over. It has shown government at its worst.

From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley in Copenhagen at the SPPI blog:

Today the gloves came off and the true purpose of the “global warming” scare became nakedly visible. Hugo Chavez, the Socialist president of Venezuela, blamed “global warming” on capitalism – and received a standing ovation from very nearly all of the delegates, lamentably including those from those of the capitalist nations of the West that are on the far Left – and that means too many of them.

Previously Robert Mugabe, dictator of Rhodesia, who had refused to leave office when he had been soundly defeated in a recent election, had also won plaudits at the conference for saying that the West ought to pay him plenty of money in reparation of our supposed “climate debt”.

Inside the conference center, “world leader” after “world leader” got up and postured about the need to Save The Planet, the imperative to do a deal, the necessity to save the small island nations from drowning, etc., etc., etc.

Outside, in the real world, it was snowing, and a foretaste of the Brave New World being cooked up by “world leaders” in their fantasy-land was already evident. Some 20,000 observers from non-governmental organizations – nearly all of them true-believing Green groups funded by taxpayers – had been accredited to the conference.

However, without warning the UN had capriciously decided that all but 300 of them were to be excluded from the conference today, and all but 90 would be excluded on the final day.

Of course, this being the inept UN, no one had bothered to notify those of the NGOs that were not true-believers in the UN’s camp. So Senator Steve Fielding of Australia and I turned up with a few dozen other delegates, to be left standing in the cold for a couple of hours while the UN laboriously worked out what to do with us.

In the end, they decided to turn us away, which they did with an ill grace and in a bad-tempered manner. As soon as the decision was final, the Danish police moved in. One of them began the now familiar technique of manhandling me, in the same fashion as one of his colleagues had done the previous day.

Once again, conscious that a police helicopter with a high-resolution camera was hovering overhead, I thrust my hands into my pockets in accordance with the St. John Ambulance crowd-control training, looked my assailant in the eye and told him, quietly but firmly, to take his hands off me.

He complied, but then decided to have another go. I told him a second time, and he let go a second time. I turned to go and, after I had turned my back, he gave me a mighty shove that flung me to the ground and knocked me out.

I came to some time later (not sure exactly how long), to find my head being cradled by my friends, some of whom were doing their best to keep the police thugs at bay while the volunteer ambulance-men attended to me.

I was picked up and dusted me off. I could not remember where I had left my telephone, which had been in my hand at the time when I was assaulted. I rather fuzzily asked where it was, and one of the police goons shouted, “He alleges he had a mobile phone.”

In fact, the phone was in my coat pocket, where my hand had been at the time of the assault. The ambulance crew led me away and laid me down under a blanket for 20 minutes to get warm, plying me with water and keeping me amused with some colorfully colloquial English that they had learned.

I thanked them for their kindness, left them a donation for their splendid service, and rejoined my friends. A very senior police officer then came up and asked if I was all right. Yes, I said, but no thanks to one of his officers, who had pushed me hard from behind when my back was turned and had sent me flying.

The police chief said that none of his officers would have done such a thing. I said that several witnesses had seen the incident, which I intended to report. I said I had hoped to receive an apology but had not received one, and would include that in my report. The policeman went off looking glum, and with good reason.

To assault an accredited representative of a conference your nation is hosting, and to do it while your own police cameramen are filming from above, and to do it without any provocation except my polite, non-threatening request that I should not be manhandled, is not a career-enhancing move, as that police chief is about to discover to his cost.

Nor does this incident, and far too many like it, reflect the slightest credit on Denmark. We must make reasonable allowance for the fact that the unspeakable security service of the UN, which is universally detested by those at this conference, was ordering the Danish police about. The tension between the alien force and the indigenous men on the ground had grown throughout the conference.

However, the Danish police were far too free with their hands when pushing us around, and that is not acceptable in a free society. But then, Europe is no longer a free society. It is, in effect, a tyranny ruled by the unelected Kommissars of the European Union. That is perhaps one reason why police forces throughout Europe, including that in the UK, have become far more brutal than was once acceptable in their treatment of the citizens they are sworn to serve.

It is exactly this species of tyranny that the UN would like to impose upon the entire planet, in the name of saving us from ourselves – or, as Ugo Chavez would put it, saving us from Western capitalist democracy.

A few weeks ago, at a major conference in New York, I spoke about this tendency towards tyranny with Dr. Vaclav Klaus, the distinguished economist and doughty fighter for freedom and democracy who is President of the Czech Republic.

While we still have one or two statesmen of his caliber, there is hope for Europe and the world. Unfortunately, he refused to come to Copenhagen, telling me that there was no point, now that the lunatics were firmly in control of the asylum.

However, I asked him whether the draft Copenhagen Treaty’s proposal for what amounted to a communistic world government reminded him of the Communism under which he and his country had suffered for so long.

He thought for a moment – as statesmen always do before answering an unusual question – and said, “Maybe it is not brutal. But in all other respects, what it proposes is far too close to Communism for comfort.”

Today, as I lay in the snow with a cut knee, a bruised back, a banged head, a ruined suit, and a written-off coat, I wondered whether the brutality of the New World Order was moving closer than President Klaus – or any of us – had realized.

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Richard deSousa
December 17, 2009 6:04 pm

What a hoot… Robert Mugabe in Copenhage to demand the wealthy nations pay him reparations for climate damage to his country??? He’s going to pocket the money leave nothing for the people of Zimbabwe.

December 17, 2009 6:06 pm

These U.N. security officers sound eerily familiar to their counterparts here in the U.S. — namely, the SEIU thugs. No wonder union leaders are pushing cap and trade — more jobs for their union members with the United Nations where they can really push their weight around.

Eric Meyers
December 17, 2009 6:07 pm

I hope there is video. Unbelievable. I’m P.O.’d

Graeme From Melbourne
December 17, 2009 6:10 pm

Some thougtful comment on the now apparent class war political fault line b/w rich and poor(?) countries at

December 17, 2009 6:12 pm

buncha pratts

Graeme From Melbourne
December 17, 2009 6:13 pm

Sheer cowardice on the part of the police officer involved.

Bobby W
December 17, 2009 6:13 pm

This is outrageous. I hope he follows through with legal action.

December 17, 2009 6:13 pm

This man is a hero for speaking the truth about the New World Order and the tyranny to come. Wake up everyone you can. Plant the seed, they will come around, eventually.

Patrick Davis
December 17, 2009 6:16 pm

Disgusting! Sadly, all too frequent Police abuse in Europe.

December 17, 2009 6:17 pm

Thanks for your service to the truth.

Lord Taylor
December 17, 2009 6:17 pm

If there ever was a visual definition of ‘useful idiots’ then this would be it.

December 17, 2009 6:18 pm

I’m at a loss for words….

December 17, 2009 6:18 pm

Absolutely despicable.
Here’s four words we all need to learn. Don’t Tread on Me!

December 17, 2009 6:18 pm

Wow, just Wow! Lord Moncton’s abuse makes me feel bad about that little dustup circa 1776 and thereafter. Then again could Lord Moncton arrange to do that 1812 burning the capital to the ground thing again please? After Pelosi’s entorage return from Copenhagen that is.

Douglas Field
December 17, 2009 6:19 pm

In the last few days as tensions and ‘religious’ fervour have been raised I feared for Lord Monkton’s safety at this ‘jamboree’never believing that these fears would in fact materialise. To see the likes of Mugabe being encouraged to strut around by this organisation only gives credence to the claims of leftist conspiracy. If not before, I am certain now, that the ‘scientists’ who support this theory are mere dupes in this wider game. With inanities like Brown leading Britain what hope has western democracy of surviving.

p.g.sharrow "PG"
December 17, 2009 6:20 pm

Hay! maybe this is the beginning of the end of the U.N. they are really over playing their hand in this whole thing. One can only hope. We do not need a self appointed world government.

December 17, 2009 6:20 pm

“However, without warning the UN had capriciously decided that all but 300 of them were to be excluded from the conference today, and all but 90 would be excluded on the final day.”
Hey, they just had to make room for all those US politicians, their staffs, personal security, etc. that are make the trip on OUR dime. Hope they choke on the horsey derves.

December 17, 2009 6:21 pm

I’m sorry to hear about Lord Monkton, and I hope that he’s all right. Any injury that includes a loss of consciousness, epecially longer than a few seconds could be serious.
I hope the officer get’s what’s coming to him. Although, it doesn’t suprise me. Contrary to their spoken claims, those who push progressive/green agendas always seem to be totally willing to move to do acts they supposedly deplore in others, including violence among other things, when they feel like they are in charge and in control.

December 17, 2009 6:21 pm

I think that Vaclav Klaus is right but with one modification……the eco-jihadists are in conrol of the asylum. I think that we all better wake up to the fact that there is a very nasty future out there and it has already started.

December 17, 2009 6:24 pm

It was only a matter of time really before violence against someone like this occurred there. The crowds have been acting like complete barbarians for days. And the UN Security has as well.
This is a complete outrage. I do hope he makes that report and takes whatever legal action remains to citizens there.

Ron Bowerman
December 17, 2009 6:26 pm

God help us all and thank you for your courage Lord Monckton.

Galen Haugh
December 17, 2009 6:28 pm

That’s twice that a post of mine has just disappeared. If this happens again, I shall leave this site to the politically-correct goons that apparently don’t like my comments. I have better things to do than waste my time here.
[REPLY – We don’t delete a whole lot of posts. Not sure what your posts involved. Were they badly off-topic? Religion and unrelated politics are discouraged. We are not here to discuss “creation” or the “truth” about 911 or whatever, UFOs, alleged government “conspiracies” etc., etc. There are plenty of other places for all that. ~ Evan]

J. Peden
December 17, 2009 6:29 pm

The place seems chaotic. I’ve been wondering about the capacity of the Security Forces, including the U.S. Secret Service, to be able control things enough for an acceptably safe visit by Obama, who seems fairly oblivious to real world threats himself.

December 17, 2009 6:29 pm

This sort of behavior is the best excuse I can think of for the U.S.A. to withdraw all support for the U.N. and give them notice we will be taking back the grounds of the U.N. and selling it to pay some of their “peace debt” for all the damage they have done to the world through their lack of competence.
It will be interesting to see if Secretary Clinton or President Obama are willing to condemn this sort of behavior.
I too hope there is supporting video documentation of these events.

December 17, 2009 6:31 pm

This type of injustice will turn the public away from the “team” agenda.
Its a brave new world.

December 17, 2009 6:34 pm

I though (for just a second) that the riot police pictured had the swampy “No Dams!” yellow triangular stickers on their jackets.
My bad.

Keith Minto
December 17, 2009 6:36 pm

Don’t they have name tags to Identify them ?.
The video will be interesting to see, Steve Fielding (our independent Senator) and Lord Monkton, two free thinking people we all need in the troubled times ahead. Surely their dress and age would indicate to the police to tread lightly ?

December 17, 2009 6:37 pm

Clearing the area for Obama security I reckon, idiots, I demand AL GORE BE PUSHED TO THE FLOOR!

December 17, 2009 6:37 pm

Lord Monckton, I hope you are OK. Please persist with your cause to expose the truth to the world.

Lazarus Long
December 17, 2009 6:38 pm

The fascists are on the loose, again.

December 17, 2009 6:39 pm

Richard deSousa (18:04:37) :
“What a hoot… Robert Mugabe in Copenhage to demand the wealthy nations pay him reparations for climate damage to his country??? He’s going to pocket the money leave nothing for the people of Zimbabwe”
And so he should – he fully deserves the credit for limiting his country’s contribution to climate change to wood fires and intestinal gas.

December 17, 2009 6:40 pm

Badge number?

December 17, 2009 6:41 pm

Unbelievable. Is urination in public not at least a misdemeanor in Denmark?

December 17, 2009 6:41 pm

If it comes to violence as the way the Govt wants to impose “Climate Change” upon us, what we need is storm troopers of our own.
Liberty is worth defending

Patrick Davis
December 17, 2009 6:42 pm
December 17, 2009 6:43 pm

Dear Lord Monckton, take this Policeman and his Chief to Chinatown… sue the hell out of them… and their country.

December 17, 2009 6:44 pm

I cannot express my gratitude to Lord Moncton enough. He has put himself on the line for real science and reasonable, respectful, free government. I am glad he was not terribly hurt.
There is no choice but to excuse ourselves from the UN as quickly as possible and turn to what we have known to be necessary all along. It is important that we support those countries whose governments (elites) enhance freedom and entrepreneurship. We must stop the nonsense of helping “the poor” of the world. All we do is send our tax dollars into the pockets of the thuggish dictators of countries who keep their populations impoverished. Of course, we first must clean house in the U.S. Anthony, Steve, and many others are doing so for climate science — all the corrupt homogenized data with the pseudo-scientists’ hands in the taxpayers’ till. More gratitude!

Gary Hladik
December 17, 2009 6:47 pm

Lord Monckton mentioned that the police may have been recording the scene from a helicopter. I hope one of the police dogs doesn’t eat the tape.
Maybe they can use a Jones-like “trick” to “hide the decline” in police professionalism.

December 17, 2009 6:48 pm

Anyone ever read or seen The Crucible? These eco-loonies remind me of the manipulative girls in Miller’s fine play. Make it up as they go along, and hang the consequences.

December 17, 2009 6:49 pm

Patrick Davis (18:42:45) :
The madness is now official:
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Brazilian President Inacio Lula da Silva were all seen as the talks got underway shortly after 11pm in Copenhagen.
Among industrialised countries, the participants were Norway, Russia, Spain, Britain, the US, Denmark, Australia, Germany, France, Sweden and Japan.
Representing small island states were the Maldives and Grenada, with Sudan, Algeria, Ethiopia and Lesotho from Africa. Sudan is also the leader of the G77 group of 130 developed countries, Algeria heads the Africa Group, and Lesotho leads the bloc of Least Developed Countries.

What’s funny is that this is almost exactly what Monckton predicted in is interview yesterday!

December 17, 2009 6:51 pm

Patrick Davis (18:42:45) :
The madness is now official:
I bet the final paper is the world’s greatest example of bureaucratic gobbledegook

December 17, 2009 6:53 pm

Those elected and unelected official will surely hit a wall back home. Most people don’t want to live under a communist regime, even less a communist world government. It is well known that those that yell the most are the extremists and they often don’t represent the majority. Those officials are surrounded by a bubble of disillusioned idiots… outside is the real world that will soon throw them out.

Tom in Florida
December 17, 2009 6:53 pm

There now should be no remaining doubt as to why we in the U.S. have the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. There should also be no remaining doubt as to why left wing politicians want to take that right away.
An armed population is feared by governments.

Evan Jones
December 17, 2009 6:58 pm

Gosh, I hope you are all right and are not in too much pain. Your treatment was inexcusable. Best wishes from all of us here at WUWT.

Craig Moore
December 17, 2009 6:58 pm

All of this theater is truly tragic. Best wishes to Lord Monkton. What is the point of all this… reduce C02????
According to this Russian source that is not happening: http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20091217/157276133.html

However, Obama’s promise to cut his country’s CO2 emissions by 17% by 2020 is unrealistic, because the United States takes the 2005 level of emissions as the point of departure. However, its cuts will be only 4% compared to 1990, the starting point accepted in the EU, which has promised to cut its CO2 emissions by 20% and possibly even 30% if the emerging nations, the U.S., China and India make commensurate pledges. Japan and Russia have also promised to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by 25%.
The problem is that from 1990 to 2005 the United States increased its CO2 emissions by 18%.
The United States has not become a different country with the election of Obama. Americans have always been rather skeptical about the Old World’s proposals. Only 45% of them think that the problem of global warming needs emergency measures, which is 23% less than the average in Europe. And another 43% of Americans think the problem is grossly exaggerated. Obama will have to take this into account if he has re-election plans.
Russia has benefited the most from the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and also stands to benefit the most from a Copenhagen deal. Russia and Ukraine could not use all the emission quotas set for them in the Kyoto Protocol because their industries were at the disintegration point. Russia was even allowed to sell unused quotas to the countries that have exceeded their quotas, and would like this provision to be sealed in a new deal that may replace the Kyoto Protocol.
Russia may increase its CO2 emissions by 30%, and Ukraine by 50%, by 2020, or sell the unused quotas. If it sells all of them, the global emissions will rise 15%.

How exactly is agreeing to a 15% global increase responsive to warmist clarion calls to action with the fate of the earth in the balance?

December 17, 2009 7:03 pm

Sorry Lord Monckton, hope you recover. Just sue the crap out of the U.N. please. That is what it’s made of isn’t it? You are old enough to know this from many years past. Here’s something to cheer you from those good ol’ days. When people were taught common sense and even a comedian has more sense than UN/EAU climate “scientists”…


December 17, 2009 7:03 pm

It feels as though I ‘m reading some novel that I might look up from to reassure myself that it’s only fiction.
But, it’s not.

December 17, 2009 7:05 pm

Who still refers to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia? Only racists who are severely divorced from reality. Not much point reading on when you realised the author is of that ilk.

Peter S
December 17, 2009 7:08 pm

I wouldn’t be too hard on the Danish police. I expect they are fed up with having to deal with hoards of Euro-Eco-Crusties and assorted global-warming eccentrics arriving on their turf. The Danes, by and large, are an extremely tolerant people and very friendly – if not a little narrow in their ambition. Copenhageners have for decades tolerated a state-within-a-state in the form of Christiania – a supposedly autonomous neighbourhood which has its own laws and which the local police treat as a no-go area. It is a ramshackle enclave of rainbow-painted slums and shacks brimming with local drop-outs and ‘dog-on-a-string’ types who will very likely see the AGW summit as a chance of enforcing the whole world to live a similar down-trodden lifestyle to their own. Almost all Danes view this place with an odd mixture of pride and deep shame – so I wouldn’t be at all surprised if local police take exactly the same ambiguous view to the temporarily imported massed-ranks of Christiania’s kindred spirits. That our hero Lord Monckton may have got mixed up in their number and received a mild beating from a frustrated police force as a result of this misunderstanding is unfortunate, but I would be very careful of blaming Copenhagen’s ‘finest’ when they might well be on ‘our’ side.

Steve Schaper
December 17, 2009 7:09 pm

God bless and protect the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley!
I hope he becomes the next PM of the UK. If not, well, he wouldn’t be the first non-citizen president we’ve had. 😉
I’m afraid this police brutality is not only directed at greens. It is documented as being used on pro-lifers in America, for instance, and I think also to anti-globalist protesters. The police seem to be developing an us/them mentality towards the citizenry, which cannot be a good thing.
If “consensus” is enforced with the application of violence, what can we do?

December 17, 2009 7:12 pm

This is the Bolshevik-style circus to which the pretender Obambi is coming to bless with pontifical stiffness, banal platitudes, and egregious falsehoods, all in the name of the tyrannical ideology represented by thugs like Hugo Chavez, and convened under the pretense of saving the world from fictional ‘climate change’.
When will the fools who voted for this Manchurian Candidate and his puppet-masters realize what they have foisted upon the world? Or are their brethren in green shirts foreshadowing the re-emergence of those in brown, soon to spread here in the USA?
/Mr Lynn

David Segesta
December 17, 2009 7:15 pm

This is unbelievable! It sounds like a new world order conspiracy theory but it’s true. This is really happening!

December 17, 2009 7:22 pm

Hunter (19:05:42) :
Who still refers to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia? Only racists who are severely divorced from reality. Not much point reading on when you realised the author is of that ilk.
Admittedly not knowing the full history… why does Wiki still refer to it as Rhodesia and an Unrecognized State?

December 17, 2009 7:23 pm

Sorry Hunter, reference here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodesia

King of Cool
December 17, 2009 7:25 pm

I am not sure of the time line here but Steve Fielding was interviewed on ABC radio this morning:
He did not mention this incident (which happened yesterday?). He was speaking from inside the conference centre so presumably any problem of getting inside has been resolved, hopefully for Lord Monckton too.
BTW, I applaud Lord Monckton’s excellent reports which are completely neglected by the MSM. He deserves the WUWT Distinguished Service Medal for outstanding bravery behind the enemy lines.

December 17, 2009 7:25 pm

No doubt Chavez will be delighted at the thuggery.
Debt, blame and reparations – that’s ultimately what this is all about. If the whole world threw out the body of bogus climate science tomorrow, they’d quickly dream up a totally different framework, just as long as it fits Debt, Blame & Reparations.

December 17, 2009 7:28 pm

A sad day in Copenhagen. Thank you, Lord Monckton, for your courage and determination in speaking the truth. I wish there were more like you, and I hope you don’t give up in the face of this police thuggery. The rest of us must speak up, too.

Simon Jester
December 17, 2009 7:35 pm

“It will be interesting to see if Secretary Clinton or President Obama are willing to condemn this sort of behavior.”
I would be amazed if they did as this is exactly the sort of behavior the support. Worldwide. Look at who they have supported in recent months (Ahmadinejad) and those they have attacked (Honduras constitutionally removing the president from power for illegal actions).
The folks in charge here are thugs and dictator-wannabes. They fully support the other tyrants and dictators of the world.

December 17, 2009 7:37 pm

As I posted before related to the Russian data, this was never about the facts or science, it was about killing capitalism. I remember on some posts those decrying Glenn Beck and other conservative media getting involved, we need more like them reaching as many people as possible, to expose the AGW crowd for what they really are. At least Glenn Beck and other conservative media at least try to point to the real science that has been discussed on WUWT for a long time. I try to tell as many people as I can about this site. The more that others will check it out, there is at least a slim hope the science will prevail. The senate and Obama will do all that they can to pass cap and trade, the science won’t matter.

December 17, 2009 7:39 pm

I want to be there standing by Lord Monckton’s side. He’s really taking an amazing stand for truth. I only wish I could do more.

December 17, 2009 7:40 pm

Lord Monckton, you need to return to the UK and show yourself in present condition before Parliament. The British people need to know how the UN treats members of European royalty. You can’t save the continetnt, but you might wake up the UK in time.

December 17, 2009 7:40 pm

Along with my “climate analysis” work, I’ve been helping a friend with his work developing a small, effective, 9MM pistol. (Called the XR-9, why? Unlike the CRU obsfucation, his 9th version of his eXperimental Research pistol is the final version he is building.)
We thought the extreme interest in this easily concealable weapon was just a “fluke”, but I’m reminded of the 1950’s Sci Fi books, “The Weapons Shops of Isshur”, when I think of this effort…and what happened to Lord M.It does seem the PUBLIC is very worried about their individual security. Will it come to civil rebellion? Are the POLICE in our cities going to be this GERMAN like if push comes to SHOVE? (Maybe some of the “old boys” from a time about 60 years ago…haven’t died off in Europe? What color are the shirts the Police in Coppenhagen? Green or brown?)

old construction worker
December 17, 2009 7:44 pm

Peter S (19:08:59) :
‘I wouldn’t be too hard on the Danish police.’
What? Lord Monckton is how old? He turns around to leave and gets kicked in the back by a Danish policeman and you defend that policeman action. Where’s your head?

December 17, 2009 7:45 pm

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face — forever.” – George Orwell.
The only thing which is getting hotter here is the water in the pot. Little by little, piece by piece, our freedoms are being eroded.
Lord Monckton, thank you for your consistence, and stamina, in fighting the good fight. I hope you quickly recover from any injury sustained.
From a Scottish ex-pat in Japan. I’m so glad I left the UK – and Europe – behind.

Bart Nielsen
December 17, 2009 7:47 pm

Reading this post sent chills up my spine. It brought up vivid memories of 1984, That Hideous Strength and every other dystopian novel I’ve ever read. Thank God for courageous men like Lord Monckton who will stand up for the truth when the cost of doing so is high!

December 17, 2009 7:51 pm

Good. The “Lord” deserves the boot. The obviously mentally challenged “Lord” has no place at the discourse of serious people.
By the end of COP-15, the Brit Lord, this site — along with its spew of science and math illiteracy spiced with meanderings of intellectual terrorism– will be on the path to the dust bin of history. What a weatherman’s sideshow. Congrats, you have had your 15 minutes of fame.
There is now a global consensus in both science and politics that will only grow stronger as the world is set right. If the U.S. Senate tries to stand in the way, it will be swept away by a supermajority in 2012 or 2014.
So, deniers and wacko Brit “Lords:” Go buy your gold and guns and take your religion based agenda into hiding. When the time comes, those will be stripped away too. The gold must go to those who need and deserve it for the sins of the past and to secure climate justice for our future generations.
The IPCC and real scientists triumph because they produce valid analysis of real data. The skeptics and deniers (yes, AGW deniers ARE intellectually very similar to Holocaust deniers) will be shown scorn and eventually eliminated from meaningful discourse and society.
Despite the attempted smokescreen of “Climategate,” — which is (pr “was” because it is dead issue) nothing more than specious out-of-context use of stolen data and quotes by people without scientific insight or talent (and who have an impure political agenda) — it is time for the winners (the world) to laugh and gloat!

December 17, 2009 7:52 pm

Remember Kipling?
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

December 17, 2009 8:01 pm

Jackson : your lack of civility and downright hostility are the perfect example of what all freedom-loving and tyranny-hating people need to fear. I’m glad the mods let your rant through.
If you think for one millisecond that “you” have somehow “won” , then I urge you to reconsider – if you are capable of this. There was no battle. There was no battle because you can’t fight a foregone conclusion – this being that there was going to be an agreement of some kind made regardless of the facts.
I can tell you now – this fight has not even begun yet.

December 17, 2009 8:06 pm

jackson, thank you for a glimpse of where the world has been before.
There is nothing new under the sun except that which has been forgotten.
Thanks to what passes for school today.
Lord Monckton, persevere! And God bless you for your courage.
It is time for the United Nations to get out of my country, and be hosted by the despots it serves.
New york City should sell the prime real estate, and recoup some of the losses of 9/11 in terms of economic development.
Not to mention the fact that they would no longer have to put up with the arrogance of world “diplomats” in their city, a savings in itself.
This is the Grosse-Wannsee of our generation, and sorry kids, but it isn’t at ALL like the 60s some feel so cheated for missing.
It is more like the 30s, and many of you will die for nothing but a slogan.

Peter S
December 17, 2009 8:08 pm

@old construction worker (19:44:09)
Just bein’ sceptical.

December 17, 2009 8:15 pm

“Who still refers to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia? Only racists who are severely divorced from reality. Not much point reading on when you realised the author is of that ilk.”
Ah, yes. Referring to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia is a give away that renders ones entire argument invalid. Of course I also assume it’s racist to assume Mugabe is anything less than a visionary idealist bent on social justice and environmental harmony. Is there anything else you would like to add to deflect from the core issue that this entire thing is a politically conrived hoax?

Evan Jones
December 17, 2009 8:15 pm

Jackson (19:51:43)
Anti-intellectual, anti-freedom, pro-oppression, and profoundly unliberal, all in one.

December 17, 2009 8:16 pm

“Contrived” not “conrived” Sorry.

R Shearer
December 17, 2009 8:17 pm

Jackson, I love your satire. Funny!

December 17, 2009 8:18 pm

This is both frightening and infuriating. The arrogance and tyranny being displayed here is beyond the pale. Secretary Clinton has committed us to 10 billion dollars a year. That is 10 billion dollars that we currently do not have (the treasury is empty and our government is currently writing “hope checks”. Those are checks they write and “hope” they can cover later) and that Congress has not authorized. That is OUR paychecks they are spending.
We didn’t elect the UN. We can’t toss them out of office. They are responsible to nobody. There are no checks, there are no balances. It is global tyranny.
I believe that come this next November there is going to be a movement that will shake these people to the core. They are worse than wrong.

Tom in Texas
December 17, 2009 8:21 pm

Someone forgot to take their meds.

December 17, 2009 8:24 pm

So…you really dont have any objections to police states as long as their brutality enforces your ideology. Is that pretty fair to assume?
“enlightened” “progressive” “socially moral”
Yep, that’s you guys alright.

December 17, 2009 8:26 pm

@ Alexander Feht (19:52:45) : Remember Kipling?
Yes, and Orwell as well.
1984 has been a very long year. Will it ever end?
Monckton’s use of “doughty fighter for freedom and democracy” to describe Klaus applies to himself as well. Being a Yank, I’m not normally partial to British lords, but for Monckton, I make exception.

December 17, 2009 8:32 pm

Hunter (19:05:42) :
“Who still refers to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia? Only racists who are severely divorced from reality. Not much point reading on when you realised the author is of that ilk.”
Divorced from reality? You have any idea who Mugabe is, and what he has done to Rhodesia, the prior “breadbasket of the world”? Know where this one of the poorest countries in the world corrupt, murdering marxist dictator is planning to retire?

December 17, 2009 8:42 pm

Lightning bolts of anger are coming out my eyes right now.
Hang tight team…we are dealing with a new fascist (and communist) world state (they, in the end, are all the same).
Recuperate well, Lord Monckton.
Incidents like this do nothing but strengthen and galvanize chaps like you thats for sure….and for a whole helluva lot more of us across the globe.
They think their reign is beginning.
It is over, and they know it, so they are getting desperate.
We will prevail.
Norfolk, VA, USA

December 17, 2009 8:48 pm

Is this “Jackson” posting THE Lisa Perez Jackson heading of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States?
If so, citizens, it’s high time to purge D.C.

December 17, 2009 8:50 pm

What… The police attacked the burly and imposing figure of Lord Monckton?
Jeez how big and brave of them. They must’ve looked fear in the face and girded their loins for that mighty battle….. Bloody cowardly thugs.
Hope there is some footage of this shameful attack on an old man, so that we may bear witness to the tyranny that now replaces freedom.

Reed Coray
December 17, 2009 8:53 pm

Jackson (19:51:43)
As I see it, Jackson has one of three objectives. (1) He meant his comment to be sarcasm. (2) He wants to stir up anti-AGW emotion so he/she submits a comment so outrageous it can’t help but anger skeptics–possibly to action. (3) He/She expressed his/her true feelings. If (1), he did a poor job. To be effective, sarcasm must be recognizable as sarcasm by the audience. If (2), I don’t believe his/her “means” justify the “end”. If (3), he/she is not very bright because his/her rant did way more harm than good to his/her cause. If I were handicapping his/her intent, I’d give it 10%-30%-60%.

Reed Coray
December 17, 2009 8:58 pm

Moderator–I didn’t review my post “Reed Coray (20:53:06)” very well. I used “he” sometimes and “he/she” at other times. Please remove that post and replace it with this one.
Jackson (19:51:43)
As I see it, Jackson has one of three objectives. (1) He/She meant his/her comment to be sarcasm. (2) He/She wants to stir up anti-AGW emotion so he/she submits a comment so outrageous it can’t help but anger skeptics–possibly to action. (3) He/She expressed his/her true feelings. If (1), he/she did a poor job. To be effective, sarcasm must be recognizable as sarcasm by the audience. If (2), I don’t believe his/her “means” justify the “end”. If (3), he/she is not very bright because his/her rant did way more harm than good to his/her cause. If I were handicapping his/her intent, I’d give it 10%-30%-60%.

December 17, 2009 8:59 pm

Jackson (19:51:43) : …. Thank you Jackson, for briefly lifting the AGW rock so that we may observe the foul little creatures that reside beneath…
You certainly are an unappealing, vicious little being aren’t you.

December 17, 2009 9:03 pm

How refreshing Dr. Vaclav Klaus, President of Czech Republic:
He thought for a moment – as statesmen always do before answering an unusual question – and said, “Maybe it is not brutal. But in all other respects, what it proposes is far too close to Communism for comfort.”
If only other world leaders could be as thoughtful and courageous.

December 17, 2009 9:07 pm

1. I have Ph.D. in physics — but that would be arguing from authority (a logical fallacy) so I did not cite.
2. There is no means to an end — just wanting to celebrate a bit! Some fine organic wine is open.
3. And, btw… “handicapping” uses odds not percentages. A fine example of skeptics maths.
I do not doubt the sincerity of real scientists who test and refine CC data, but I resent the intrusion of lay people who castigate the life, work, honesty, and motives of hundreds and thousands of dedicated scientists..
It is you all who bring on the hate. I feel very sorry for you all, but the world needs serious people.
[REPLY – You are the erstwhile RW trolling under a fake name and email address. Therefore you self-accreditation is not credible. ~ Evan]
[FURTHER REPLY – I am in error. Same php as RW, but not likely to be him.]

December 17, 2009 9:13 pm

Are you all referring to This Robert Mugabe, who resides in Zimbabwe presiding over the ruined economy of the country that was once the food basket of Africa.
Like his constituents he is doing it tough check out his hovel here;
He is just the sort of deserving cause we should be contributing billions of dollars in assistance to help his poor country racked by climate change (or should that be political change), which seems to have coincided with his coming to power.

December 17, 2009 9:14 pm

If you think the treatment of Lord Monckton was reminiscent of jack boots in Europe during the 1930’s & 40’s, just wait a bit longer, we will get a real taste of what these folk have in store for us.
This might be what is ultimately being planned! take a look at the George guide stones in Elbert county.

December 17, 2009 9:14 pm

Fadingfast said:
Monckton’s use of “doughty fighter for freedom and democracy” to describe Klaus applies to himself as well. Being a Yank, I’m not normally partial to British lords, but for Monckton, I make exception.
Hey…. we owe the Lords for the Magna Carta Libertatum, and don’t forget Lord Acton. I would gladly trade my rights as “Citizen Monty” for the original rights of Englishmen. That is what the revolution was about anyway. Many of the Lords did not want the revolution. I will now have a dram in Lord Monckton’s honor. Klaus as well, and Newton, and Galileo, and Anthony and all of you exept Mugabe and Jackson.
Good SHOW Sir.
I’m a Yank too but know from whence I came.

Scotty B
December 17, 2009 9:16 pm

Jackson (19:51:43)
Well done jackson, that single rant of yours has shown all the many people sitting on the fence which way to fall. The quite, polite, extremely well educated Monkton will/is winning these people over by the droves. Keep up the good work Jackson, we couldnt do it without you and yours!

December 17, 2009 9:17 pm

Jackson (19:51:43) :
Just try…..”Jackson”….whoever the hell you are [he/she needs to make himself/herself known in this debate] or he/she is a coward of the greatest kind.
Try and stop us. You will not succeed.
Norfolk, VA, USA

[REPLY – “Jackson” is just our old, er, “friend” RW posting under an assumed nomen. ~ Evan]
[FURTHER REPLY – I am in error. Same php as RW, but not likely to be him.]

Neil Crafter
December 17, 2009 9:21 pm

No other names? Just the one? Not brave enough to put your full name to the delusional drivel you have posted here?

December 17, 2009 9:28 pm

Mods: thanks for letting jackson/rw’s post stand. It will help wake a few people up to what kind of person is an agw cheerleader.
Lord Monckton, I am absolutely in awe of your recounting. There is and can never be any excuse for this sort of thing (well, the whole COP15 fiasco, but I was referring to the jackbooted thug’s action). I sincerely wish you full recovery and justice.
Oh yes, this is a foretaste. The battle is just beginning.

December 17, 2009 9:29 pm

Why is this Jackson character so excited? Copenhagen was/is a debacle. It was meant to be theater and that’s what it was. An agreement on pledges, with no real specifics, was a forgone conclusion and predicted weeks ago. Does this guy watch the movie “Hoosiers” a dozen times and still cheer when they win the big game each time? There was no way they were going to let COP-15 go by without something they could take home and wave and say “peace in our time” ala Chamberlain.
But something did come out of Copenhagen that the AGW lackeys did not account for. Support for AGW is dropping like a rock in the US. Rasmussen just completed a survey and AGW believers are down to 34% and those who feel it is natural are at 50%. Welcome to the minority, Jackson. The “consensus” of Americans disagree with you. Or do you deny the overwhelming statistical data contained in that poll? On second thought, don’t answer. The debate is over on that poll as of ten minutes ago. Sorry you missed it, but you can write up a paper with your objections and I will certainly and fairly review its content. Trust me….
And it would appear that Jackson’s ruse has been discovered based on Evan’s edit to his post above. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

December 17, 2009 9:30 pm

[REPLY – You are the erstwhile RW trolling under a fake name and email address. Therefore you self-accreditation is not credible. ~ Evan]
Sorry. Don’t know an RW actually. Your intel is incorrect.
Of course, one has to use an annonimizer when dealing with you people. You just proved the point. And who would provide their work email to people who post redacted stolen emails.
My statements stand for themselves — no self validation or authority needed. I am the voice of the future.
I greatly delight that you probably won’t have the courage to post this reply.
[REPLY – The php number never lies. Besides, anyone who ever read any of RW’s posts could hardly fail to note the resemblence. Busted. ~ Evan]
[FURTHER REPLY – I am in error. Same php as RW, but not likely to be him.]

December 17, 2009 9:33 pm

I think you are all misreading our poor Jackson, his post was obviously a cry for help.
My Global CAGW Fanboy model projections prove a correlation between adolescent onset and immature, rude behavior. With 95% certainty I can project that when he grows up and starts paying the taxes he is currently such a fan of he will recognize how ridiculous his comments in this thread were. There is also a 5% chance he will move into “academia” (please note the lack of reference to real science or anything remotely productive with the term academia) and continue to rant and rave and not contribute anything to society other than trying to convince impresionable young minds to follow his “revolutionary” thinking
This research has all been peer reviewed by people older and more mature than me or Jackson and represents the consensus view. There is no valid debate, just ranting and waving of hands by people who refuse to accept this fundamenta truth of science

December 17, 2009 9:40 pm

OOOOHHHHHHH!!!!! Jackson has a PHD. in PHYSICS! Wow, are you ever a condescending ass!
I feel sorry for you in terms that are beyond our arrogance to understand. Arguing from authority would imply that you have authority, and by claiming authority you confirm you have none. Your continued reference to “lay people” is offensive. It reflects the ivory tower arrogance of the “team” as exposed in Climategate. You have little else than that left as the end is nigh.

Nigel S
December 17, 2009 9:43 pm

Jackson drinking ‘organic’ wine is punishment enough, I think we can relax. On that topic a case of decent Claret is a common present for a friend with an injury with loss of blood. I don’t think I could afford anything decent enough for Lord Monckton but is there any chance of starting a collection?

Douglas Field
December 17, 2009 9:43 pm

My statements stand for themselves — no self validation or authority needed. I am the voice of the future.
Oh Gawd!

David A.
December 17, 2009 9:55 pm

Perhaps Jackson can apply for the position of ” Director of Special Dispensation of All Unbelievers (of AGW).” Sounds as if the NWO will have the need for such people. Hmmm.. ” if we could only divest ouselves of all those pesky gun nuts in the States”, they are saying. Well I say, come-on and get ’em, if you can.

December 17, 2009 9:59 pm

re: “Jackson” – I fell for it – don’t feed the trolls.

December 17, 2009 10:01 pm

Evan.. you won’t admit it (or post this) , but you are wrong.
All annonimizers use similar setting (people using the same service might appear as a single source). I hope you did nto bring this level of technical IP skill to your analysis of stolen materials! It explains quite…
Anyway, I’m not RW … I am using another service to show you the differences in address settings you rely on
There is no proof of the identity of anyone — and IT DOES NOT MATTER. Deal with the truth of the data and statements!!! That is REAL civility.
Tomorrow is the dawn of a new era! I hope the American Constitution can be reformed to once again allow intelligent and virtuous leaders like President Obama to serve as long as FDR. The world need such a president to fix the U.S. and make it the great global citizen it once was and can be again!!!!
I beg all readers of this site to turn their obvious passion to global good.
[REPLY – So I see. I stand corrected, (and my apologies to RW). However, I made no technical analysis whatever of the emails. ~ Evan]

Jeff Alberts
December 17, 2009 10:05 pm

but I’m reminded of the 1950’s Sci Fi books, “The Weapons Shops of Isshur”

Actually that’s “Isher”, by A.E. Van Vogt.

December 17, 2009 10:07 pm

Jackson: “It is you all who bring on the hate. I feel very sorry for you all, but the world needs serious people.”
Quite the contrary, RW [Likely not RW after all. My error. ~ Evan]. The greatest pity falls upon you, lad (or lass).
Your concerns or comments are insignificant and immaterial.
And normally I would not waste my time on the likes of….but you make it fun!
Thanks for that.
Norfolk, VA, USA

Roger Knights
December 17, 2009 10:16 pm


December 17, 2009 10:17 pm

Jackson, your post comes across as being somewhat hysterical (and delusional) – put the bottle down, theres a good boy!
Each day, more and more people are becoming aware of Climategate and WUWT, and long may it continue.
Climategate is certainly not going away, it has only just begun, so you’d better get used to it, warmist-wacko! 🙂
Back to the OP, I am pleased to hear Monckton is okay.

Nigel S
December 17, 2009 10:17 pm

jackson (21:07:23) :
2. …Some fine organic wine is open.
Wot, no Duff and doughnuts?

Douglas Field
December 17, 2009 10:19 pm

‘ ! beg all readers of this site to turn their obvious passion to global good’
Yup – a religious nut alright. Have another swig of your organic wine baby – you’ll come right in the morning.

December 17, 2009 10:19 pm

Ugh. The mean streets of the future.
Please Lord Monckton, don’t put yourself in hazardous situations. I appreciate very much your willingness to speak truth to power, but it is not worthwhile to confront or even mix casually with dangerous elements.
Such as Europe in general, but especially Nutsenhagen. In this day and age of the Internet, you can visit the zoo/circus virtually. No need to put your physical presence there — into the goonville of our Orwellian future.
We need you whole and healthy. Look after yourself, on our behalf, please.

December 17, 2009 10:20 pm

We’ve got a b/tard on the boards. I thought I smelled something when I opened this thread. Must be a slow night if you’re out trolling WUWT, huh Jackson?

Nigel Brereton
December 17, 2009 10:21 pm

MSM coverage of Copenhagen this morning in the UK, no mention or images of disturbances all focus on the build up to the arrival of Obama and the signing of the new deal.
Gets more like the Matrix every day, won’t be too long before we all have something inplanted in our heads to ensure that we are thinking green thoughts and remain happy in ignorance.

December 17, 2009 10:21 pm

Interesting comments.
Neither Lord Monckton, nor lawful protesters for that matter, should be subject to police activity of this kind. It is uncalled for and such brutality only serves to cause members of the public to form negative opinions of their local law enforcement officers.

December 17, 2009 10:24 pm

I was looking for a proper tribute to this man who was already a hero to all mankind before he found out – the hard way – that he was working “in harm’s way”. All I could think up was:
Lord Monckton demonstrated today – for anybody who still doesn’t get it – that freedom isn’t free. It might have to get a lot worse before it gets better; let’s hope we can turn it around before that becomes necessary.
As to the assault, I’d say two things:
1) An apology might suffice for being pushed around a little – maybe even if falling down results. But being knocked out? That calls for pressing charges and a lawsuit. There’s just no excuse.
2) The authors of this blog are heros too, but this time you guys have the title ALL WRONG. It should end with something like “…assaulted and knocked out by security”. “Pushed to the ground” is almost misleading – you can push somebody to the ground without pushing them so hard you knock them over, much less knock them out.

old construction worker
December 17, 2009 10:26 pm

Jackson (22:01:19) :
Socialism is the road to slavery. And if you think the social elite or a central planning commite will rule, you are in for a rude awakening. I’ll give you a hint, follow the old money trail.

December 17, 2009 10:29 pm

“Jackson” is attempting to push people’s buttons. Such “button pushing” is often an indication of a personality disorder. Don’t fall for it. It probably isn’t easy being “Jackson”.
It is saddening to see the behavior exhibited in Copenhagen. It appears like an act of desperation. Certain American politicians realize that this extreme element generally supports their party so they must be paid lip service to. Labour looks like they are on the way out in the UK. The Democrats will probably take a severe drubbing in the US in 2010. The left has lost the governments of France, Italy, Poland, and Germany in the past few years. They stand to lose the US and the UK. These are desperate times for them. They are going to get angry and likely violent. The political left is very intolerant when they don’t get their way. This isn’t going to be an easy few years for them.
Sad, really.

December 17, 2009 10:29 pm

Climate Cultists Assault Global Warming Skeptic During Live Interview
They are getting violent all round!

Nigel S
December 17, 2009 10:32 pm

Jackson, you conceal yourself just like the pedlars (peddlers) of fake pills, dodgy watches and worthless degrees. Where did you say you got your PhD?

December 17, 2009 10:32 pm

Peter S (19:08:59) :
I would be very careful of blaming Copenhagen’s ‘finest’ when they might well be on ‘our’ side.

Like riot cops the world over, they are on the side of whoever pays their wages and gives them their orders.

Tar & Feathers
December 17, 2009 10:37 pm

I am sorry to hear of the way you have been treated, Lord Monckton. You deserve much better. People will remember your heroic attendance and reporting at this shameful episode in our history. As an Australian I feel it would be appropriate if Princess Mary were to perhaps tender you an apology, and for the Danish government to offer an apology to the world.

December 17, 2009 10:38 pm

I like everyone else here (except for Jackson /RW) [My error; likely not RW. ~ Evan] wish you well Lord Monkton.
It’s in my nature to never trust anything anyone says when it comes to news and media information. I prefer to check facts and figures as best I can. I try hard to find corroborative evidence from multiple sources and when I find a source of information, I try to check the background of the information and the people who published it.
I have to say that in all this debacle, the list of people I actually trust is short.
One of those people is Lord Monkton and I thank him sincerely for that.
I find it assuring to know that there are still people like him in this world. I also find it heartening to look at my children, knowing that they will grow up with the same values as he displays…I will work hard to make sure of it.

December 17, 2009 10:39 pm

Jackson (19:51:43) :
Good. The “Lord” deserves the boot.

Hang on to that IP address Anthony.

December 17, 2009 10:50 pm

Bless Monckton. UN goons representing UN beggars, cowards and laggards. Claus must be morose. What we can all take heart in is the resilience and resourcefulness of the free minded. November, 2010 is only 318 days away. May all the able, free minded take a turn at public service.

December 17, 2009 10:51 pm

jackson (22:01:19) :
…I hope the American Constitution can be reformed to once again allow intelligent and virtuous leaders like President Obama to serve as long as FDR. The world need such a president to fix the U.S. and make it the great global citizen it once was and can be again!!

Okay, I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there…
Who else is intelligent and virtuous, jacky? Pelosi? Franken?

December 17, 2009 10:57 pm

Optimizer (22:24:40)
I agree with you. The headline should refer to Monckton being knocked out.

P Wilson
December 17, 2009 10:59 pm

Ok. At least its in the open: The UN, backed by Obama is a police tyranny – only I don’t think Obama has the brain enough to see what he’s been inveigled into. IE. He’s another moron.

Graeme from Melbourne
December 17, 2009 11:11 pm

Every extremist (hi Jackson) sows the seeds of the backlash that will undo them with their own arrogant overreaching behaviour.
Pride goeth before a fall, and hubris leads ultimately to failure.

Rob H
December 17, 2009 11:12 pm

The way you get the police in Denmark to leave you alone no matter what you are doing is to dress like a Muslim.

December 17, 2009 11:14 pm

You know when this is going to get to be real fun? Even better than troll types? Wait til the eco-crazies realize they have been had by the polticians they have been cheering for years. And when the politicians realize that the eco-crazies are…..well…..crazy. And not people they want around when the money starts flowing and votes are needed. We are talking top-notch entertainment here, folks.

P Wilson
December 17, 2009 11:16 pm

What interests me: The protestors are reacting to what their politicians and scientists are galvanising and frightening them into, courtesy of the media. Surely there should be a statement of apology from these *nominal* world leaders – I say that with reservation, as they don’t appear to be leaders – that it is they who goaded protestors into such action by issuing fears about the future?
Probably not, as they know its not about science or climate – that is just the excuse, in the absence of any other 50 year conflict or international event (like WW2) to forge a new world order. Its classic totalitarian overwhem: Protestors are carrying out the actions that the politicians goad them into, then politicians hide behind closed doors using a different basis altogether from what they goad their voters into: politics and economic programs. In all likelihood, nothing of any real importance will come from the conference apart from post colonial reparations to the 3rd world, which will make the 3rd world subservient to ts paymasters all the more.

December 17, 2009 11:17 pm

The Stasi are the next thing to appear

December 17, 2009 11:18 pm

Jackson 19:51:43
Is your surname Manson? Are you one of the few survivors of Jonestown? Because you sure do sound a lot like those loony freaks of nature.
To Lord Monckton. Thankyou for your efforts and I hope you’re ok Keep up the good work.
ps Monckton was spending time with the Australian Senator Steve Fielding. It’d be interesting to know if Fielding was with him. I’m on his mailing list, if anything arrives I’ll keep you posted

December 17, 2009 11:20 pm

Jackson: “My statements stand for themselves — no self validation or authority needed. I am the voice of the future.”
Textbook definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
As well as some comic relief….. “I am the voice of the future.”
Hahahaha. Thanks for that cheap advertising plug, bro.
Great fodder and entertainment.
Norfolk, VA, USA

December 17, 2009 11:22 pm

Most ordinary people in Denmark, including me, supports the actions of the police during this conference. We have many times seen Copenhagen burnt, vandalized by protesters, and really don’t want to see it again.
I am sure that all protesters, including Lord Monckton, has been informed of the new Danish law, permitting police to protect ordinary peoples property from damage.
If Lord Monckton had followed the orders from the police instead of relying on ambulance crowd control techniques, nothing would have happened to him.

December 17, 2009 11:22 pm

I’m extremely upset for our beautiful Lord Monckton. I just sent his account to a few well-known news blogs. That conference is full of left wing dictators planning our destruction while we sit and do nothing. Those UN brutes remind me of the SEIU union thugs.
I saw your PM Brown there whining away about how they need billions more money. All I hear about is money, money, money and zero about the climate data – difficult I know since it’s snowing. HA!
Ihope you’re feeling better Lord Monckton. We have your back over here but in a much more gentle way than the despicable way you were treated over there. I’m really mad about it.

December 17, 2009 11:22 pm

Being an intellectual by nature — I will offer a counter argument that might merit facets of debate. Assume for just a minute that all the AGW proponents claim is SCIENTIFICALLY true. In reality we do not establish truth — but only develop levels of confidence in data and explanations. However, If true, why are historically carbon emissions viewed without context when making assumptions about how much each country “owes.” There is some tacit assumption that all US industry and US emissions are part of a selfish drive for wealth.
Does not the U.S deserve some carbon credits for every carbon unit produced to grow and transport millions of tons of food and medicine to Africa?
Does not the United States deserve some carbon credits from Germany, Francem and Japan for the carbon emissions produced to free the world of Nazi and Axis tyranny/evil?
Does not the United States deserve some carbon credits from Europe for the industrial emissions produced to fund the Marshall Plan?
Does not the United States deserve some carbon credits for the ships and supplies it has used to provide relief to countless of disasters (the tsunami, earthquakes, etc)
Why is there no fair discussion of this line of thought?
What I put to you is that the passions expended in this blog are ill-used. Science can change on a dime with the production of new data. Would it not be better expending the passions shown herein toward advancing an understanding that there really is no fair way to reset history (or the climate). The UN is totally unable to mange this crisis and so it is a much more rational solution to admit the science and for ALL major industrial nations to responsibly mitigate emissions hereafter — and to allow the wealthy nations to provide aid when needed to mitigate climate change problems that ACTUALLY manifest.
I personally reject some of this thinking, but it is fair to advance such thought.
Tomorrow is a dawn of a new era not because what will be done will all prove to be correct or needed, but it is the first time we have acted are Earthlings responsible for our precious and fragile spaceship.

December 17, 2009 11:23 pm

If UN thugs treat accredited attendees and peers of a so-called sovereign realm in that brutal manner, imagine how they would treat you or I.
Is it any wonder that the EU (and thence, the world) plans to have 30% of a member state’s police force comprised of personnel from other member countries? So much easier for them to oppress people who aren’t their countrymen. Similarly, would a Mexican police officer in the US be compassionately disposed to US citizens he is ordered to control?

December 17, 2009 11:33 pm

United nations? United dictatorships. European Union? European dictatorship (ED).
Fear not, Lord Monckton and friends. Democratism is coming.

December 17, 2009 11:36 pm

The last time I got booted around by riot cops was at Trafalgar Square while protesting the ‘poll tax’ introduced by Margaret Thatcher. That too was aimed at more surveillance and control, but under a right wing leader not left. I don’t think this issue is clear cut down party lines or left/right ideology. It’s an issue of personal freedom against authoritarian oppression.
Politicians, ‘experts’ and zealots of all stripes believe they have right on their side and that we should do as they say, and are prepared to use armed militias to help them get their way. This was true long before the ‘left’ ever got going. What we see now in Copenhagen is the willing suspension of critical faculties and the triumph of unreason. It’s a dark day for truth, liberty and common sense.
Lord Monckton has stood up to the eco-bullies, and taken a hit for it. We must stand shoulder to shoulder with him and show these proto-fascist elements that we will not tolerate their lies, fraud, corruption, theft and thuggery.

December 17, 2009 11:43 pm

For Chris: Sorry — you lay ignorance shows again. We use the DSM to define personality disorders (that’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) not “classic textbooks.” But if we want to play that specious insult game, though I admit no expertise, I’d classify you and tallbloke as “passive aggressives”
“I am the voice of the future” is a literary reference. Mais non!
There WAS a point in all this. Thanks for the research help. 😉
Though I think you are all mostly misguided with regard to your understanding of science, I wish you the best in your smaller carbon footprint future.

December 17, 2009 11:45 pm

Thugs, quick to anger. Must have experience with nightstick and tear gas.
Must show inability to discriminate between rioters throwing rocks and breaking windows with House of Lords members seeking admission to conference to which credentialed.
The successful applicant will demonstrate skill at inflaming any situation, bringing rage to a new level beyond all reason.
Facial scars and tattoos are a plus. Salary commensurate with experience.

December 17, 2009 11:47 pm

Please take a look at what protesters did last time in Copenhagen:
The police had to stand and watch, as private property were destroyed, because of Danish law at the time did not allow preventive arrests, and it was considered to dangerous to go in after the destruction started.
The new law allows police to act before things get out of hand. This is not police brutality, police state or anything like that. It is the police doing their job, protecting ordinary people.
When visiting Denmark, do as instructed by the police, and nothing will happen to you.

December 17, 2009 11:48 pm

Self praise is no recommendation, and ¨I am the future¨ is pathetic.
Now, grab a kleenex and do up your trousers.

Douglas Field
December 17, 2009 11:51 pm

‘Tomorrow is a dawn of a new era not because what will be done will all prove to be correct or needed, but it is the first time we have acted are Earthlings responsible for our precious and fragile spaceship.’
You are truly stuffed in the head baby. Do leave that organic stuff that you drink alone. I doubt if you will come right in the morning now. But there is hope – Join ananother religion – it might help.

December 17, 2009 11:53 pm

Ah, leave Jackson alone… He is having a bad day and we all know why. So no reason to rub it in on him.
Anyway. Three cheers to Lord Monckton and Senator Fielding for standing their ground and representing science and truth…. Huzzar!

December 18, 2009 12:00 am

jackson (23:22:59) :
In reality we do not establish truth — but only develop levels of confidence in data and explanations. However, If true, why are historically carbon emissions viewed without context when making assumptions about how much each country “owes.”

You certainly won’t get anywhere near establishing truth by fudging data and truncating series. Your attempt to divert discussion into a blame game sideshow is a classic smokescreen to hide the nakedness of your argument.
jackson (23:43:54) :
I’d classify you and tallbloke as “passive aggressives”

There’s nothing passive about my aggression when my freedom is stamped on, my friends are clubbed and the scientific method I believe in is distorted, gamed and sullied by the fraudulent activities of fakirs, liars and fools.

Patrick Davis
December 18, 2009 12:00 am

“jackson (23:22:59) :
Tomorrow is a dawn of a new era not because what will be done will all prove to be correct or needed, but it is the first time we have acted are Earthlings responsible for our precious and fragile spaceship.”
Can you explain how such a low carbon lifestyle will save this “fragile spaceship” from our local Death Star? Give me a few minutes, I need to make some popcorn….

Patrick Davis
December 18, 2009 12:08 am

I am appalled, this assualt on Lord Monckton is still not screening on MSM TV broadcasts.

December 18, 2009 12:08 am

Jackson, were you never loved? You write in a cold robotic tone of propagandists, spewing what we’ve heard before again and again; it’s the type of blather, when repeated enough convinces the groupthinkers who lack critical thinking skills, but no one else.
You, like all your other green zombie friends, have nothing original, insightful, or positive to add. You only know how to spew pre-written lines, call names and take.
I know you can’t possibly be loved by the way you find joy in a good man’s (Lord Monckton’s) misery. You must see how inferior you are to him. Notice how Monckton stands out in the open unafraid to be questioned and speaking truth. While you lurk in the background and spread disinformation.
No, this climate scandal isn’t over. We won’t let it be over. People are opening their eyes still. And you, you little evil-nothing-of-a-human, are only helping OUR cause. Anyone on the fence still, thinking GW alarmism could possibly be about something positive (ie love for the planet and humanity) will read your comment and know which side is the legitimate side and can be trusted. Because you, unfortunately, represent that side well.
Only brainwashed drones, people much like yourself, would be fooled by your cliched propaganda.
Good luck, you hateful little person. Maybe one day a bit of light will eek into your withered heart and you may feel worthy enough to give rather than take.
Until then, it must be miserable to be you.

December 18, 2009 12:14 am

Jackson “Tomorrow is a dawn of a new era not because what will be done will all prove to be correct or needed, but it is the first time we have acted are Earthlings responsible for our precious and fragile spaceship.”
No. Tomorrow is no new era at all. Homo Sapiens have always acted like fire ants, bermudagrass, and kudzu.
The thing that sets us apart from these opportunistic organisms…is that they do what they do. WE, however, have consciouses and highly evolved brains based upon reason.
In theory, then…there is no excuse for us!
This Copenhagen Treaty, however, has nothing whatsoever to do with a new era where we are finally acting responsibly.
Copenhagen is just symbolic of both fascist and communist efforts to create “utopia.” Both are in err. And they are essentially the same.
I would point you to the fact that the vast majority of the worlds worst environmental cleanup sites are in China, India, Russia….et al.
There are none such in the US. [Even though the US has plenty of faults of its own!]
I would point you to the fact that even the Bush Administration [I know…you say….the worst]….regardless….the Bush administration crated more oceanic parks in recent history.
Take the NW Hawaiian Archipelago for example….
So this (Copenhagen) is precisely NOT the first time we have acted as Earthlings responsible for our “spaceship”. Not at all.
This whole AGW movement is bogus because it confuses TWO SEPARATE ARGUMENTS: Global Pollution [which we can and should do something about]…and Natural Cycle…which occur irrespective of homo sapiens’ rape or care of the planet.
It is upon THIS dishonest, disingenuous, [snip] red herring sidetrack…that the whole of Copenhagen, the IPCC, and Al Gore and the potential derailment of literally trillions of dollars….is based.
They have RUINED their own platform.
Really not that smart. We give world leaders WAY too much credit. The question we SHOULD be asking:
How did these individuals get in power??
These…..THESE….people are running the free world?
Maybe Science can figure out that equation….but it will be a complicated one for sure.
Norfolk, VA, USA

Douglas Field
December 18, 2009 12:15 am

Lord Monckton and Senator Fielding can see through the crap that the world has been fed. Every now and again the world is sidetracked by lunacy. This is by far the worst for a long time. We need people like these two who slice through the madness.
Sadly we will probably have to pay a large price for the madness until the world wakes up,
Thank goodness we have these two to provide a little sanity and hope.

December 18, 2009 12:16 am

Patrick Davis (00:08:06) :
I am appalled, this assualt on Lord Monckton is still not screening on MSM TV broadcasts.

As far as the MSM is concerned, Lord Monckton is an unperson who deserves to be dealt with summarily by the legitimate forces of law and order, as ordained by the high priests of falsehood.

December 18, 2009 12:16 am

Jackson “Tomorrow is a dawn of a new era not because what will be done will all prove to be correct or needed, but it is the first time we have acted are Earthlings responsible for our precious and fragile spaceship”
thats a true brainwashed comment, from the eco nuts.
its the start of the end. jackson come to us in 10 years or 20 and tell us how great you think this is. If we can if the net is allowed to continue. Thank god, there will be no kid of mine to suffer this world .

December 18, 2009 12:18 am

I am a steadfast AGW skeptic, but finding myself in bed with Lord Monkton is making me more and more uncomfortable. The man seems to have no ability to curb his other less acceptable views to focus on climate change issues–in this piece he refers to Robert Mugabe as “dictator of Rhodesia”. Blood-drenched dictator yes, but the country has been Zimbabwe for a very long time now and seeming to regret the passing of it’s status as a British colony is not helpful.
He is NOT a safe pair of hands. I think WUWT would do well to keep some distance from Monkton; associating with him will do you no favours even if he is right for once.

December 18, 2009 12:21 am

“For Chris: Sorry — you lay ignorance shows again. We use the DSM to define personality disorders (that’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) not “classic textbooks.” But if we want to play that specious insult game, though I admit no expertise, I’d classify you and tallbloke as “passive aggressives”
Hmmm…..interesting Jackson…..Tallbloke and I pretty much beg to disagree and correct you that we would be more accurately categorized in the
“Aggressive Aggressive” category.
Let’s meet sometimes. 🙂
This quote:
“your lay ignorance shows again. We use….”
LOL…..who is “we.”?? your “power statements” as I call them, mean nothing.
Thanks for the entertainment, though.
You have certainly kept me up way past my bedtime all fired up to respond.
Norfolk, VA, USA

Ken Harvey
December 18, 2009 12:21 am

We should know nothing of this were it not for the internet. Thanks to the net we have greater freedom of speech, and greater access to”raw” information than ever before. Socialism does not like this, and after the events of the last few weeks can be expected to up the fight against internet freedom. WUWT, all similar defenders of truth, and every last one of us bloggers will need to gird our loins for the coming fight.

December 18, 2009 12:27 am

Lord Monckton is a courageous man. Not many in as public a position as him dare to stand up to the eco bullies. I salute him.
When I go to a demo that I know the cops will try to turn into a riot, I do as they do: Wear padding, a helmet, stout boots and take along my best kick-ass attitude. Half measures and reasonableness don’t work with these people. Then after I’ve been arrested and charged with disorderly conduct or whatever trumped up nonsense the forces of law’n’order decide to lay on, I go to court in my best clothes, speak with my best English, and make my point where the media can hear it. Then I pay my fine with good grace and make sure I get a good look at the officers who have given evidence for future reference, and file counter charges for police assault by employees not wearing visible numbers. To date, I’m in profit.
I’m getting a bit old to be a footsoldier in the front line these days, but we will be needing to teach the younger generation how to stand up to bullies with sticks in the near future I expect.

December 18, 2009 12:28 am

Jackson, to play devils advocate, the answer to most of your questions on US climate debt is no. To accept AGW, you must also accept the premise that industrialized nations are to blame. That is a core belief of AGW creed….like it or not. Dismissing US responsibility for CO2, would be like someone wanting to become a christian, but not quite sure Jesus ever existed. It’s that integral. To prove my point….ask those questions at a blog like Real Climate. They will tear you to pieces for daring to give the US a pass on CO2…despite decades of medical, military, and food assistance to the third world.
That was the devil’s advocate side. For me personally….should some cap and trade system be forced upon us, I would certainly expect a fairer shake than “damn those evil Americans. It’s all their fault…”.
As for dawn of a new era stuff you are posting. What exactly do you think you are getting from Copenhagen? Do you honestly believe that AGW won a victory here? All these grandstanding politicians are going to sign a worthless document filled with pledges with no way to enforce anything. Two-weeks of circus and you got nothing is how I see it. And in the year it takes to get to Mexico City, support will thin even further. I’m not looking to bash you, but you aren’t being a realist here. Copenhagen produced what it was scripted to produce….nothing more. The only surprise for me was that China with a space program, nuclear weapons, the largest military on the planet, and the most internet users by far…..is STILL a developing country. That alone should make you wonder about the whole mess.
Less people believe in AGW now, than before Copenhagen. Nothing truly binding is coming out. The UN showed itself to be bumblers in terms of organization. Fringe lunatic protestors embarassed themselves in front of the world press. If anything, this was a victory for skeptics IMO. But in all reality…it would best be looked upon as a big waste of time and money which produced a carbon footprint the size of a small city.

Julian in Wales
December 18, 2009 12:32 am

This is unsurprising, for years we have watched as the EU has been becoming a superstate run by an unelected elite who are not answerable to the electorates, the UN is of the same mentality. As they lost popular support they retreated from reality and live lives in a sort of bubble where they share their utopian ideals with others of the same benefit and mindset.
They elite share their bubble with career politicians and journalist hacks who mingle with unelected elite using first names.
In their bubble they are in denial, this denial has spread like a cancer into institutions like the BBC, Sky, Science journals and government. One of the few places where the denial has been challenged is on websites like this one, but this website.
In their bubble they have a fantasy that this site is part of a “right wing” conspiracy against their brave new world order. What has happened to Lord Monkton will not be reported much because they really do not want to face reality or consequences of their behavior, if they hear about it they will console themselves with t he thought that they are saving the planet.
One wonders how far this cancer will spread before it is checked by reality, will they find excuses for closing down sites like this in the name of liberty and saving the world?

December 18, 2009 12:34 am

Jackson……the annointed
Us……the lay unwashed.
I fear for the future….Jackson knows not what he unleasheth.
Nor do any of these so called friends of the Earth.
Nuclear Reich.
Jackson, can you think that far ahead? You have a PhD right so surely you can and it should terrify you.
It does me.
Do you really think there will be no political ramifications of this? Do you really think your side will stay in control?
Do you really think you can just put millions of people out of work and into the streets, destroy their livelyhoods based on lies percieved or not. and nothing will happen? Remember Weimar? Remember the war reperations? What happened then?
You did take history right…
Do you care? I want everybody to step back from this nonsense and think for a minute. There is a lot at stake here.
Jackson….enjoy that organic wine…

December 18, 2009 12:46 am

Roy (00:18:27) :
“I am a steadfast AGW skeptic, but finding myself in bed with Lord Monkton is making me more and more uncomfortable. The man seems to have no ability to curb his other less acceptable views to focus on climate change issues–in this piece he refers to Robert Mugabe as “dictator of Rhodesia”. Blood-drenched dictator yes, but the country has been Zimbabwe for a very long time now and seeming to regret the passing of it’s status as a British colony is not helpful.
He is NOT a safe pair of hands. I think WUWT would do well to keep some distance from Monkton; associating with him will do you no favours even if he is right for once.”

I challenge you to listen to these two impromptu interviews of the individual in question.
If your views remain the same after watching both of these videos [And I formally challenge you to subject yourself to the truth!!], then there is certainly no use for you and me to speak further.
I formally challenge you to listen to the content. “Diverting food to biofuels while people in Haiti try to survive on mudpies, etc.”

Your comments on Monckton are completely unwarranted.
Norfolk, VA, USA

Charles. U. Farley
December 18, 2009 12:46 am

Letter sent to the bbc. (biased broadcasting corporation).
I advise all to follow suit.
“Sir, i have recently sent two complaints to your organisation regarding bias in broadcasting, specifically the almost absolute silence on the Climategate scandal which you appear to believe does not exist!
Only one has been responded to and that was woefully inadequate.
What happened to the other one? Filed in “denier” was it with a yellow star on the cover?
You continue to pump out predictions of doom and gloom from the climate change lobby with whom it appears you must be in league with, there is no other explanation for your continued refusal to acknowledge any other viewpoint with equal coverage.
You are supposed to be a neutral, impartial observer and reporter of ALL things of interest, plainly you are failing.
Perhaps your EU backdoor funding is part of the reason for your selective reporting?
Obviously you have a conflict of interest here, being pledged to report events with equal veracity on the one hand and being guided by the EU on what you may or may not report on the other.
It would seem that you have abandoned your founding principles in favour of a policy of ignorance and deceit.
For example.
Lord Monckton, beaten by copenhagen police- no report.
Climate science in turmoil- no report.
Robert Mugabe stands on the podium to applause- no report.
Hugo Chavez blames the west, capitalist leaders applaud- no report.
And so the list goes on.
Be clear of one thing- i intend to keep coming back and others will follow i guarantee it!
Such extreme bias as you are displaying goes against the provisions in your charter, your actions are those of treason.”

December 18, 2009 12:57 am

Roy (00:18:27) :
seeming to regret the passing of it’s status as a British colony is not helpful.

Being a second class citizen in your own country under a minority government is bad. Be a terrorized and hungry citizen in your own country ain’t that great either. Mugabe dispossessed the white farmers who made Rhodesia a prosperous and well fed country, and had his minions terrorize their ex-workers off the land so he could give the farms to his pals. Which is worse, semi-benevolent white elitist racism, or Mugabe’s tribal racism with added terror and hunger? Not PC to raise the issue of inter-tribal racism I know, but the data speaks for itself.
I personally believe the whites should have seen the writing on the wall many years previously and made a graceful exit, but then, I didn’t have several generations of hard work invested in land there.

Leo Emmanuel
December 18, 2009 12:59 am

A peer of the realm assulted by thugs of the Usless Nations. What a glorious future lies ahead of us. The UN and EU have much to answer for; but of course they never will. They laud and cheer tyrants as they seek to destory democratic governments. God gave the Queen. May she’ “..confound their politics and frustrate their knavish tricks..”

December 18, 2009 12:59 am

Please pass along my sympathy for and admiration of Lord Monckton. Without people of his intellect and courage the world would be a far poorer place.
At the other end of the scale of human values, Mugabe was an icon of the international ‘freedom fighters’ when the the last remnants of the old British Empire was being taken apart by extreme socialist nutters, who haven’t finished with the ‘free’ world yet. I am fearful of the violence that will kick off around the world when Mugabe, Chavez and their ilk don’t actually receive the flood of cash that they think is their due.

December 18, 2009 1:00 am

Tallbloke: I’m getting a bit old to be a footsoldier in the front line these days, but we will be needing to teach the younger generation how to stand up to bullies with sticks in the near future I expect.”
Agreed, Tallbloke. A daunting task in and of itself. They [the younger generation] needn’t think that THIS is the way things are or are supposed to be.
Not at all.
These people….these buffoons…..these idiots…..THESE are the ones running the world????
First: How stupid do they think we are?? [These are really not bright individuals…. it is obvious. But it is also pathetic…because they continue one thinking that they have pulled the wool…..]
Second: How in the hell did they get in power in the first place???
Third: Their days are numbered. Their reign will end soon [and sooner if I can help it].
Norfolk, VA, USA

December 18, 2009 1:04 am

Agreed, Tallbloke. A daunting task in and of itself. They [the younger generation] needn’t think that THIS is the way things are or are supposed to be.
Not at all.
These people [not the “younger generation” but the boomers currently in power]….these buffoons…..these idiots…..THESE are the ones running the world????

wesley bruce
December 18, 2009 1:09 am

There may be extenuating circumstances. Have you seen what those cops are wearing. No room for scarves, balaclavas or from the lines thick jumpers under those riot suits. You can see them visibly shivering and red faced with cold. Their so fantastically ill equipped that its a wonder they’ve held th line successfully.
I’ve wondered on Gary North’s web site that the security seemed lax. It could be an easy target for al qaeda. My biggest concern was the climate sceptics, lord monkington, Bjorn Lomborg, etc in the building. Now that’s fixed I believe. I don’t know if every sceptics shut out but that’s the implication.
With all the climate sceptics out of the building I’d say its an easy target. The police and the left is only expecting trouble from the sceptics and the Anarchists; thousands of them are behind bars. Al Qaeda’s not on the radar.
With the cops near exhaustion and the big anarchist push coming today or tomorrow there’s plenty of cover and opportunities for everything to end with a bang tomorrow.
We also can’t rule out the cops simply reaching breaking point and stepping aside, essentially going on a spontaneous strike. The revolutions in tsarist Russia and East Germany (the fall of the wall) came that way. Can you imagine the mess if that torrent of anarchists, communists and other idiots breached the line and flooded into the building.
How many body guards, do those politicians have between them; a dozen each ~ 300? How many in a crisis can under stand each other. If one draws a gun to fend off the mob do the others know who’s side he’s on? How many body guards of the extreme left would take the chance to just not stop one for the US president or even ‘accidentally’ put a round in Obama’s direction? Its not over yet.
I hope that all the politicians get to go home with their political suicide pact neatly signed. Given what we know we can see a huge ratification battle and elections coming up. The left in the west and a few others are very vulnerable. Some on the centre right; like Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel have obviously let their minders rule their mind. That will cost them at the next election. The new right will win but we need new political parties and new people, the old politics has proved no match for the bureaucrats.

December 18, 2009 1:15 am

jackson (23:22:59) :

Being an intellectual by nature — I will offer a counter argument that might merit facets of debate. Assume for just a minute that all the AGW proponents claim is SCIENTIFICALLY true. In reality we do not establish truth — but only develop levels of confidence in data and explanations. However, If true, why are historically carbon emissions viewed without context when making assumptions about how much each country “owes.” There is some tacit assumption that all US industry and US emissions are part of a selfish drive for wealth.
Does not the U.S deserve some carbon credits for every carbon unit produced to grow and transport millions of tons of food and medicine to Africa?
Does not the United States deserve some carbon credits from Germany, Francem and Japan for the carbon emissions produced to free the world of Nazi and Axis tyranny/evil?
Does not the United States deserve some carbon credits from Europe for the industrial emissions produced to fund the Marshall Plan?
Does not the United States deserve some carbon credits for the ships and supplies it has used to provide relief to countless of disasters (the tsunami, earthquakes, etc)
Why is there no fair discussion of this line of thought?

Because to participate in criminal extortion is —- criminal, even if you are getting paid off for good things you did. The U.S. does those things because they were the right thing to do, not as a bargaining chip to extort money out of poor people who are trying to heat their homes or buy gas to get to work.
It is a moral decision not to participate in the carbon trading scam even if it was based on good science (which it is not)! Most of us here on this forum in America would refuse to participate even if the climate science had merit because theft by deception is still theft, and in this case it would be a hidden tax without representation.
We have low tolerance for the high and mighty who attempt to take from us what we have earned by the sweat of our brow. The current congressional leadership will learn that lesson in 2010, as they appear to have forgotten, that the common man in America does not suffer arrogant and condescending governments well.
They have pissed off a large fraction of the electorate, and have attempted to take a bridge too far. By their arrogant over reaching, they have awoken the center right middle class like no other action I can imagine.
You are right! Tthis is the beginning of a new era, but not the one you imagine in your delusions. Political back lash can be a fearsome thing, this next electoral cycle or two could result in a housecleaning that removes most of the senior leadership of both parties from Congress, and replaces them with a massive class of freshmen representatives that understand they serve at the pleasure of their constituents.

wesley bruce
December 18, 2009 1:15 am

Oups Sorry me-lord I misspelled your name. lol.

December 18, 2009 1:21 am

I think Jackson has amply proven the fact that the flat earthers and earth centric galaxy are firmly siting on the eco-terrorists side of the discussion.
with his “The science is settled so we will batter belief into you.” comments

December 18, 2009 1:39 am

Lord Mockton is a man with incredible integrity and leadership. keep plugging ahead My friend.

December 18, 2009 1:53 am

I am sorry but Monckton’s use of the old colonial name of Zimbabwe ruined another wise excellent account of what it is happening on the ground ( literally! ) in Copenhagen. It was a juvenile for him to use such a term and sadly, he will live to regret it.
Monckton’s many opponents will seize on this one word and in future MSM discussions Monckton will be introduced as the racist global warming denier. it pointless trying to argue that Monckton is not a racist and Mugabe is an appalling tyrant, this is how the story will be spun.
The assault on Monckton will be forgotten; referring to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia will not be forgotten.
A major, foolish misuse of the English language

Aqua Fyre
December 18, 2009 2:05 am

Hello Christopher.
I hope you were not too shaken up.
Best wishes to you and your family.
And do, keep up the good fight.
Aqua Fyre

December 18, 2009 2:10 am

sry don´t now where else to post this:
Another ‘Climategate’? Russian data ‘cherry picked by CRU’ to fit theory

December 18, 2009 2:11 am

Thanks to the internet, “The whole world is watching.”
Lord Monckton has the guts of a hundred ordinary men. God bless him.
Monckton knew what to expect, however I’m quite certain the “greenies” did not expect they would be left out in the cold. Hopefully some of them will wake up to the fact that they have been used; a day comes when “useful idiots” are useful no longer, and to their own shock and dismay find themselves “purged.”

December 18, 2009 2:19 am

I know spelling is not the strong point of many on this blog, but I do wonder about the quality of an institution that grants a PhD to someone who can’t spell “anonymiser”.

Roger Knights
December 18, 2009 2:29 am

Here is the last stanza from a light-verse poem, “Look What You Did,” Christopher, by Ogden Nash, in the book, The Ogden Nash Pocket Book (1945):
The American people,
With grins jocose,
Always survive the fatal dose.
And though our systems are slightly wobbly,
We’ll fool the doctor this time, probly.

Roger Knights
December 18, 2009 2:30 am

oops — place the closing quote-mark after “Christopher”
(The reference in Nash’s poem was to Columbus.)

December 18, 2009 2:41 am

Don’t forget that the very first goal of the UN is to be funded independently. This circus will give them that funding. Can’t imagine what is top of the UN priority list, but I will lay odds that it will be armed to the teeth.
Robert Mugabe can pry “reparations” from my cold dead hand. In the UK at least, Brown will not be in office long enough to open the account.
The UN – taking climate crime to a whole new level.
Lord Monkton, hope you are non the worse for your ordeal. keep up the good work.

December 18, 2009 3:02 am


Douglas Haynes
December 18, 2009 3:16 am

I congratulate Lord Monckton on his stand – and his work in presenting reasoned arguments which highlight how the initially poor and likely locally imperfect science of Mann, Hansen, Jones, Briffa and others in the CRU and at The Pennsylvania State University has so distorted perceptions of real processes opearating in our modern climate, and its response to the anthropogenic carbon dioxide load. Lord Monckton has a very strong platform to argue from – he is helping to expose fraudulent science, and, especially its implications for our future well being, in particualar noting that such likely fraudulent science is now the raison de etre for a serious proposal aimed at massive wealth redistribution between nations. Thus, Lord Monckton, why not argue with politeness and firmness, knowing you have fact on your side, instead of denigrating people, such as calling them liars and the like? This is just not necessary in my view – it polarises opinion – and makes your extraordinarily worthwhile message harder to get across.
So please continue with your efforts to expose the truth, but be POLITE and just present the facts, especially the corrected time-mean global temperature plots, including those which commence with the Egyptian Warm Period (3200 years BP, +2.8 C above current global mean surface temperatures) , and which conclude in 2008 with the missing data from Briffa, Mann and others properly included!

Roger Knights
December 18, 2009 3:23 am

I agree that the reference to Rhodesia was a bit of a blooper. He should e-mail his drafts to a friendly editor / vetter before posting.
Here’s a comeback he could offer: “We still call it Burma, even though its dictators have renamed it Myanmar. Mutatis mutandis …”

Peter Plail
December 18, 2009 3:35 am

Jackson – you are obviously a very intelligent person, able to look at arguments in a balanced way and come to a rational conclusion.
So let’s take it one step at a time – was it warmer in the Medieval warm period than it is now?

Galen Haugh
December 18, 2009 3:35 am

Evan said:
[REPLY – We don’t delete a whole lot of posts. Not sure what your posts involved. Were they badly off-topic? Religion and unrelated politics are discouraged. We are not here to discuss “creation” or the “truth” about 911 or whatever, UFOs, alleged government “conspiracies” etc., etc. There are plenty of other places for all that. ~ Evan]
No, they weren’t “badly off-topic” at all, and I’m not a troll.
But why are you suddenly charging that my posts were regarding “”creation” or the “truth” about 911 or whatever, UFOs, alleged government “conspiracies” etc.” BECAUSE THEY WEREN’T (shouting intended). Indeed, look at my past posts and consider the relevance of content.
Could be that your system is faulty.
[REPLY – I am not charging anything. I was merely stating our guidelines. As I said, I do not know what your posts involved. I was not the one who deleted them. ~ Evan]

Atomic Hairdryer
December 18, 2009 3:44 am

Re: Monty (21:14:25) :
Hey…. we owe the Lords for the Magna Carta Libertatum, and don’t forget Lord Acton. I would gladly trade my rights as “Citizen Monty” for the original rights of Englishmen.

As an Englishman, so would I. Unfortunately those rights have been eroded as part of our government’s modernisation plans. This includes our Lords, where our upper house is busily being stacked by party loyalists to ensure legislation passes without challenge. Or in a few months, will get blocked. Democracy just isn’t what it used to be.
But I’d like to thank Lord Monckton for his courage and determination in exposing the myths and lies behind the consensus, and hope he encounters no more ‘robust’ treatment.
The way COP15 has been managed highlights just how shambolic the UN can be. Why allow so many delegates with so few spaces? It helps the PR circus I suppose, but I pity the people of Copenhagen if the mob doesn’t get it’s way by the time the conference closes.

December 18, 2009 5:21 am

‘Jackson’ is a troll, an agent provocateur, a classic tool of the far left. His aim is to throw bombs into the public square, or less literally, to kick the ants’ nest of public discourse, as on blogs like this, in order to sow confusion and discord, thereby distracting citizens from their public duties, and the discussion at hand.
They turn up from time to time, and can contaminate and dominate threads to the point where they become mired in nasty back-and-forth and essentially unreadable. I’ve no fear that will happen here, as the moderators keep watch, but heed the basic maxim of the blogsphere: “Don’t Feed the Trolls.”
/Mr Lynn

December 18, 2009 5:23 am

[Oops! Forgot that I wasn’t quoting anyone. Corrected post:]
‘Jackson’ is a troll, an agent provocateur, a classic tool of the far left. His aim is to throw bombs into the public square, or less literally, to kick the ants’ nest of public discourse, as on blogs like this, in order to sow confusion and discord, thereby distracting citizens from their public duties, and the discussion at hand.
They turn up from time to time, and can contaminate and dominate threads to the point where they become mired in nasty back-and-forth and essentially unreadable. I’ve no fear that will happen here, as the moderators keep watch, but heed the basic maxim of the blogsphere: “Don’t Feed the Trolls.”
/Mr Lynn

December 18, 2009 5:35 am

Judge (01:53:59) “I am sorry but Monckton’s use of the old colonial name of Zimbabwe ruined another wise excellent account”
I think Monckton was being more subtle than you give him credit for. When Zimbabwe was Rhodesia, it was called the “breadbasket” of southern Africa. Now its people starve. Monckton was using barbed “code” to remind Mugabe – and anyone else who remembers their history lessons – of that.

Nigel S
December 18, 2009 5:48 am

Martin Judge (01:53:59)
I think you are being too precious. It is certainly bold language but to make the point that Mugabe now has no more legitimacy than Smith (and had done a great deal more damage) is not unreasonable.

Elmer Gantry
December 18, 2009 5:58 am

The Con-munists have, once again, gone to their old “Stalinist” playbook.

December 18, 2009 6:01 am

Lord Monckton knocked out cold by police?
We are not amused.
We are very amused :o)

P Wilson
December 18, 2009 6:01 am

Aelfrith (23:17:17)
The weather change Stasi, climate stasi, or the global warming police. The good weather force, the heat wave squad.
*enter Barbarella*

December 18, 2009 6:05 am

Haha, Jackson’s Ph.D. in physics (and general knowledge) sounds like it’s really just Wikipedia open in another tab.

Bud Moon
December 18, 2009 6:06 am

It’s not all doom and gloom.
George Monbiot was also locked out at Copenhagen.

Rhys Jaggar
December 18, 2009 6:29 am

My Lord, I would not particularly assign your assault to Communism, more to thuggery.
I was assaulted in a bar in Manchester for doing no worse than clapping at Arsenal scoring a goal on a big screen. The sports bar owners, far from wishing to sideline the thug and call the police, did the exact opposite.
Unfortunately for them, I found the time to raise the matter at suitable levels, implying that ‘in a CIVILISED society, such actions would lead to the removal of a license to sell intoxicating liquor…’, with a clear indication that the suitably ennobled CEO of the City Council might like to take decisive action….
I was gratified on a subsequent return to Manchester, which I left in disgust to work in Leeds, to note that the establishment had been taken over by new management…..
What we ARE witnessing, however, is the appeasement of young ‘idealistic’ thugs. WTO talks in Seattle led to violence. Nothing to do with politics. Thuggery. Ditto in the City of London.
The problem with these folks is that they are not sufficiently mature, not sufficiently discerning and not sufficiently open-minded to understand that there are two sides to every argument.
If there is a lesson for true leaders, it is the need to empower all with real information, rather than tolerating the distortion of argument with pseudo-facts which are fed to sheep.
A time for leadership to return to more mature, reflective folks, or must we reevaluate how to allow our young adults to establish their own generational mores and independence, which is a necessary prelude to raising their own families?

December 18, 2009 6:39 am

[Troll elsewhere. ~dbstealey, mod.]

old construction worker
December 18, 2009 7:05 am

tallbloke (00:27:34)
“When I go to a demo that I know the cops will try to turn into a riot,…” So the cops turn it into a riot and, of course, you and your buddies didn’t provoke the cops.
“I do as they do: Wear padding, a helmet, stout boots and take along my best kick-ass attitude.” No provoking on your part.
“To date, I’m in profit”. And you had no incentive not provoke the cops.
Folks, what’s wrong with this picture.

December 18, 2009 7:17 am

Dear Moderator. Have I been banned? If so, I respectfully ask that you un-ban me.
My “Troll” was not meant to be offensive in any manner. I was merely lampooning the likes of “Jackson.”

December 18, 2009 7:19 am

I’ve been reading some of Jackson’s posts, and I must admit; Wow!
Ph.D in his case does mean Permanent Head Damage.
But then again, fairly amusing stuff, so keep it coming.

Fred Lightfoot
December 18, 2009 7:38 am

Having been their and done that I woulds suggest that the said police would have had a very hard day/week. 99.9% of those involved (just look at your TV ) are NGO Greene’s who had been giving the police a very hard time all week long, i would think that our good Lord M. was unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time. In my opinion (not worth the ink ) the mistake was when the police arrested nearly 1,000 in the first days, was that they let them all go, the immediate opinion was we have won ! If the police had put the 1,000 in a football stadium and left them there for 24 hours taken there passports, and stamped them all with deportation orders ( explain that when you try and go on holiday ) this problem would not of happened

David A
December 18, 2009 7:52 am

What a disgrace. The bard sums it up:
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
(William Shakespeare)
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea;
The more I give to thee, the more I have;
For both are infinite.”
(Gorezillions Brown)

December 18, 2009 7:53 am

Jackson, you may have a PhD in physics and you may claim to be an intellectual. However, your various posts contain a number of factual and logical errors.
Your claim that “AGW deniers ARE intellectually very similar to Holocaust deniers” has no factual basis. Obviously you are not a member of MENSA, nor do you know even some simple things about MENSA. There is a Mensan saying on their website that “in a room with 12 Mensans, you will find at least 13 differing opinions on any given subject.” So having differing opinions does not mean that so-called AGW deniers are intellectually inferior to AGW believers as you have implied.
For your comparison between AGW and the Holocaust to be valid, you need to demonstrate that there are similarities that justify the comparison. Otherwise you are comparing apples with oranges, not apples with apples. The Holocaust is based on real-life survivors and witnesses, gas chambers and mass graves. AGW cannot be based on anecdotes, but on statistics to show 2 things (1) global temperature rises and more importantly (2) the causative connection between rising CO2 and rising global temperatures. The Holocaust is also based on a fixed period in time where certain things (atrocities) occurred. AGW is based on a far more extended period of time, including ongoing global temperature conditions.
The fact that the world has not warmed in more than a decade shows that there is no causative connection between CO2 and global temperatures. So to try and make the connection between AGW and the Holocaust is really intellectually dishonest as the basis and period for assessment is very different and the AGW theory is now rightfully in doubt due to changing circumstances.
You also claim that “The IPCC and real scientists triumph because they produce valid analysis of real data. ” No, they don’t. Firstly, they hide the raw data, even when requests have been made repeatedly to them to produce the raw data on which they base their results. Secondly, they make sure their work cannot be independently verified, other than by other scientists within their own clique who share their views. They are even prepared to destroy the raw data if the requests are made under the FOI Act as the climategate emails reveal. You call them real scientists?
You dismiss climategate as “…nothing more than specious out-of-context use of stolen data and quotes by people without scientific insight or talent…”
Ok, so can you explain the context for IPCC co-author Kevin Trenberth’s admission that “the fact is that we cannot account for the lack of warming at the moment and it’s a travesty that we can’t.” Just because some statements require a context for proper interpretation does NOT mean that all statements must require a context. There are statements that can be interpreted correctly even on the basis of stand alone.
Also, it is incorrect for you to claim that the climategate emails are being examined only by “people without scientific insight or talent.” There ARE scientists looking into the emails, computer codes and data. So what if many of us do not have scientific training or background? Not having an indepth knowledge on a particular subject does not mean that we cannot acquire certain knowledge and use it intelligently to make some basic assessments ourselves. After all, not every statement or claim they make is based on their indepth knowledge and background. Simple question – does any climate scientist actually know exactly how much reduction in CO2 emissions is needed to reduce global temperatures by exactly 2 degrees as politicians claim they can do in Copenhagen ?
You also claim that “my statements stand for themselves — no self validation or authority needed. ” What your statements (and anyone else’s for that matter) stand for is nothing more than opinions, unless they fulfill one or more conditions, such as (1) your statements are inherently self-evident as true, which in your case they are not, or (2) your statements are based on sound logic that others with a similar IQ can easily follow (unless you think you have such a high IQ, you are so far ahead of everyone else that nobody can follow your reasoning) or (3) your statements are based on what others have proven to be true, something which you have dismissed as “no … authority needed.”
I could go on and on in exposing more errors and fallacies in your statements and arguments, as I am capable of very detailed analysis, identifying the various issues/factors/concepts involved as well as articulating my reasons and arguments, but what I have set out is sufficient, not for you obviously as no amount of facts and sound logic will convince you, but for others to judge for themselves. it is now way past midnight where I live. Your having a PhD does not scare me into avoiding a debate with you, but I do have a life outside of blogging. Good night!

Sons of Liberty
December 18, 2009 7:58 am

Did Lord Monckton get the name of the fascist thug who shoved him? If so, please make it public.

Gail Combs
December 18, 2009 8:19 am

ackson (21:07:23) :
2. …Some fine organic wine is open.
Well Jackson is the usual activist hypocrite. Wine is made by placing grape juice and yeast in a closed container and adding a glass bubbler. The bubbler releases the CO2 to the atmosphere so the pressure build up does not cause an explosion….
He should take a good long look at the economics of Rhodesia vs Zimbabwe and decide if he truly wants to live the rest of his life in a semi-starvation state. That is the ultimate goal, to turn the entire world into a Zimbabwe. It has been stated flatly by our would be World Leaders.
These chilling words are the ones Maurice Strong used for the opening session of the Rio Conference (Earth Summit II) in 1992, that industrialized countries have:
“Developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class—involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing—are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”
Said shift can be seen in the Two Bills presented to Congress in 2004- The Wildlands Project – HR 1964 and S 999:
The goal of bills like these can be seen in the Wildlands Map: http://www.mtmultipleuse.org/wilderness/wildlands_map.htm
I have the 1000 page “Land Use Plan” made up for my county by one of these UN NGOs. My farm and all my neighbor’s farms will become “wildlife corridors” so this isn’t some useless “conspiracy theory” not when a tiny southern hick county get one of these land use plans made for them.
(quoting Mr.David Rockefeller):
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……..It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” Zyuganov reported (Sovetskaya Rossiya, 10 Apr 97)
Maurice Strong is a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation that funds the likes of Greenpeace Sierra Club and WWF. He is also a member of The Commission on Global Governance.The Commission believes that the U.N. should protect the “security of the people” inside the borders of sovereign nations, with or without the invitation of the national government. It proposes the expansion of an NGO “early warning” network to function through the Petitions Council to alert the U.N. to possible action.
NGOs are non-democratic organizations the UN uses to brain wash Activists like Jackson. A good explaination of Maurice Strong’s elegant solution to a bloodless power grab through the UN control NGOs is here: http://www.americanpolicy.org/un/theunsdirty.htm It is a must read.
“As a result of the constant pounding of the doomsday message, Americans have been convinced to give up their property rights, turn back their technology and even to give up their national sovereignty through documents like the Biodiversity treaty. So effective is the process that American leaders, even the Republican Congress, utter no opposition. Of course, Bill Clinton and Al Gore are leading the charge to support and enhance the UN’s growing power.
The UN is now moving to vastly expand the power and influence of NGO’s. NGO’s will now begin to lobby for the United States to support the UN’s desire for international tax revenue. NGO’s will also be given the power to oversee and implement treaty’s such as the Biodiversity treaty that will give the UN control of American sovereignty. That means private environmental organizations will be given power over our elected officials. Such language is already written into the Biodiversity treaty, and if Congress votes to ratify it, NGO power will be a “done deal”.”

The WTO and “harmonization of national laws” was also done under Clinton’s Administration as well as “the President’s Council on Sustainable Development” which divides the country into ten regions run by non-elected NGOs
Here is the elite’s plan for the USA in black and white: http://www.sovereignty.net/p/sd/gorerio.htm
And here is what it means. Global Warming is just one of many fronts we have to fight and we must realize it is only one battle in the war for our freedom. http://www.freedom.org/el-97/sep97/pcsd-sep97.htm

Steve Fox
December 18, 2009 8:36 am

Sympathy and best wishes to you, Lord Monckton. Please apply your considerable determination to making the Copenhagen police’s lives a misery.
Many thanks too for pursuing your resistance to this stupid pseudoscience with such spirit.

December 18, 2009 8:38 am

CLIMATE CRIMINALS = http://www.M4GW.com

Dr.T G Watkins(Wales)
December 18, 2009 8:58 am

So sorry to hear about Lord Monckton’s adventure.He is a brave and honest man with many supporters. Surely, the MSM must report this in some detail in which case there could be a small silver lining to this unfortunate episode. I trust the good lord takes due care in the future but I am certain it will only make him even more determined that science will prevail.

December 18, 2009 9:01 am

It’s nothing short of bone-chilling watching the UN and environmentalism slowly coalescing into an instrument for world wide socialism.

December 18, 2009 9:24 am

How ironic that our (the USA’s) former allies and formerly free coutries are the ones pushing tyranny, and our former adversaries in eastern Europe are now our most reliable allies. 0bama is doing his best to turn those current allies against us, I’m afraid to say.
Our greatest hope now is to do all we can to get the truth revealed in the Climategate emails and the analysis of long-hidden raw data out to the public. Even if the MSM chooses to ignore it, the internet is a powerful megaphone, and word of mouth goes a long way too.

December 18, 2009 9:25 am

Terry (23:33:43) :
United nations? United dictatorships. European Union? European dictatorship (ED).

Luckily, if your problem is ED, there are at least two medications that can help. The most popular is, I believe, a little blue pill.

B. Jackson
December 18, 2009 9:30 am

First, let me say that because of Lord Monckton and Dr. Tim Ball here in Canada I have a better understanding of what’s really going on in our climate, both in the political and atmospheric sense, as it applies to AGW. Get well soon, Lord Monckton. We need you and others like you to continue the fight for what is right.
Secondly, unlike the other “Jackson”, this is my real name. I don’t have a need to hide behind pseudonyms. And, unlike the other “Jackson”, I’m not an “intellectual by nature” nor do I have a degree of any kind. I am a simple man with an interest in science and truth, things that “Jackson” has already admitted he has no interest in. One thing I have learned in my life is that people who hide behind pseudonyms, or anything else, are nothing but cowards. If he/she truly believed in the cause and was willing to fight for it, openly and honestly, he/she would not be hiding behind anything. He/she is here merely to instigate and entice. This is what bullies do. Another thing bullies do is try to make you feel inferior. “Jackson” does this by bragging about his Phd and his intellectual nature. But, I understand the bully mentallity. The last thing a bully want is for someone to stand up to him. Some of you have done that quite well and Thank You for that. Eventually, when the bully sees that he/she can’t push anyone around they will run. When “Jackson” stops posting we will have done our job. Eventually he/she will take his/her hockey stick and go home, playing the victim the whole way.
As for the eco-bullies, the last thing they want is a real fight. Like all bullies, they are OK pushing you around but, if we were to push back, they would scurry like the rats they are. I’m not advocating violence but, the one thing bullies truly understand is an equal or greater response. I honestly hope it doesn’t come to that. My sincerest hope is that our political leaders pull their heads out of their a**es and see this for what it is. I’m not holding my breath, though. I am encouraged to see Canada not mentioned as one of the countries ready to sign on. That will probaby change but, I hope not. Somebody has to be the rebel who stands up for what is right. I’m just not sure Mr. Harper has the stomach for it.t.

December 18, 2009 9:34 am

Re: Jackson,
Don’t pay too much attention to him. His response is the self-aggrandizing posturing bravado of one who is struggling to come to terms with the nightmare of his cherished beliefs tumbling before his eyes. Thus the words he uses represent the opposite of reality.
His words speak of a fading dream – congress to be overturned by a clamouring populace, “deniers” disappearing into the sunset.
Please let him dream on in peace.

B. Jackson
December 18, 2009 9:40 am

One more thing for “Jackson”. Don’t confuse intellect and a degree for intelligence.

December 18, 2009 9:40 am

oh my god! 🙂

December 18, 2009 10:01 am

SO I’m confused-the leftist cops were called in to beat up Moncton and the rightist cops that were beating up the leftist nazis protestors were sent home? Do they wear the same or different unies so you can tell who is going to get beat up or is it more of a musical chairs type of thing? It used to be just the leftie nazi greenies that got beat up. You just can’t count on anything anymore!!!

December 18, 2009 10:03 am

Lord Moncton is the couragous hero for freedom in our time!! He is the Paul Revere warning us that One World dictatorship and communism is galloping on the climate change horse.

Joe Parale
December 18, 2009 10:50 am

That poor policeman. What a rotten job.
Was this before or after calling for Chairman Pachauri to be stripped from office ‘though ?

Rhys Jaggar
December 18, 2009 10:59 am

B. Jackson
Secondly, unlike the other “Jackson”, this is my real name. I don’t have a need to hide behind pseudonyms. And, unlike the other “Jackson”, I’m not an “intellectual by nature” nor do I have a degree of any kind. I am a simple man with an interest in science and truth, things that “Jackson” has already admitted he has no interest in. One thing I have learned in my life is that people who hide behind pseudonyms, or anything else, are nothing but cowards. If he/she truly believed in the cause and was willing to fight for it, openly and honestly, he/she would not be hiding behind anything. He/she is here merely to instigate and entice. This is what bullies do. Another thing bullies do is try to make you feel inferior. “Jackson” does this by bragging about his Phd and his intellectual nature. But, I understand the bully mentallity. The last thing a bully want is for someone to stand up to him. Some of you have done that quite well and Thank You for that. Eventually, when the bully sees that he/she can’t push anyone around they will run. When “Jackson” stops posting we will have done our job. Eventually he/she will take his/her hockey stick and go home, playing the victim the whole way.’
Well said!
I’m afraid bullying is more common in science than you might hope for. I was bullied, emotionally, in my PhD. It was very insidious. I was bullied in a management consultancy, stood up to it and succeeded and was then promoted in a way to have me bullied again. So I left. Went to work with a University, was bullied by two people but was treated really well by many.
Bullying is always the sign of the weak.
But if you were born small and skinny, were given some brains and tried the best of what you were given, you’re a target.
I don’t necessarily agree though that fighting for 10 years is worth it to achieve 1 inch of ground. There are some people who do, but you have to love fighting for the sake of fighting for that to be worth it.
To me, there are better things in life to be doing than fighting for the sake of fighting. Like climbing mountains, ski-ing, writing, reading, all those things.
The key is to pick your fights.
And sometimes success is measured in making the opposition aware of their failings, even though they will retain power and command.
Because if your aim was to ensure more humane leadership, then you have succeeded in your aim…..

Gail Combs
December 18, 2009 11:11 am

Richard (09:01:19) : Said
It’s nothing short of bone-chilling watching the UN and environmentalism slowly coalescing into an instrument for world wide socialism.
Unfortunately it is not even socialism, it is something much much worst. Feudalism with the Central Bankers (World Bank) as our Lords and Masters and we as serfs. Those they let live that is…
It is a totalitarianism run by megalomaniacs like Mugabee not aristocrats like Lord Monckton. As I noted in the earlier post this is a direct attack on the middle class, what there is left of it, and on democracy. The Lisbon treaty is the shape of the future. A world government run by the World Bank with people thinking they have “voting rights” and a say in their government. But those governments will just be dog and pony shows designed to reward the second tier megalomaniacs like Obama, Clinton and Gore and will have little real say in how the countries are run. This will last just long enough for those who remember democracy to die off and the UN trained “Global Citizens” to become the majority. I expect it to happen fairly soon because David Rockefeller is nearly 95 and no doubt wants to see his dream come true before he dies.

December 18, 2009 11:16 am

No mention of Lord Monckton on the BBC site.
Copenhagen climate summit enters crucial stage
“Page last updated at 18:55 GMT, Friday, 18 December 2009”

December 18, 2009 11:19 am

Lord Monckton, did you take a good look at the “policeman” who assaulted you? Are you sure it wasn’t Dr. Ben Santer? The man has a reputation, you know.

December 18, 2009 11:25 am

I’ve only now discovered this great blog, and I’m amazed to find so many like-minded contributors. Think of the millions of people out there who are no doubt in the same position – disgusted by what’s happening in Copenhagen, and it’s associated garbage, but unaware that they don’t stand alone! Lord Monckton is out there in the thick of it, so there must be an even more effectual way for those of us who support him to give the “sheeple” a good nudge?

Bruce Cobb
December 18, 2009 11:38 am

The cop who shoved Monckton from behind is nothing but a miserable cowardly bully who deserves to lose his badge and to be sued. There is no excuse for that type of behavior.
Lord Monckton, you are a true modern-day hero. We salute you, and hope you are OK after your ordeal. Keep up the good fight, but stay safe.

December 18, 2009 11:39 am

This is just another example of the coming NWO. The comments by ‘jackson’
show the mindset and worldveiw of the weak minded “entitlement class” (education nonwithstanding). The post-modernist veiw of science upholds propaganda for political ends over pure fact and continuing research. Keep pushing Lefties, you’ll get your revolution. It just won’t be the kind you want.

Gail Combs
December 18, 2009 11:50 am

iurockhead (09:24:05) : said
…Our greatest hope now is to do all we can to get the truth revealed in the Climategate emails and the analysis of long-hidden raw data out to the public. Even if the MSM chooses to ignore it, the internet is a powerful megaphone, and word of mouth goes a long way too.
You are correct I have been trying to wake people up for a couple of years. I have found through trial and error that the Federal Reserve and Fractional Banking are good waker-uppers. After the bank bailout EVERYONE hates the bankers and with good reason. Notice WHO is going to get the money from the global tax… THE BANKERS!!!!
“The final Copenhagen draft agreement which was hammered out in the early hours of Friday morning includes provisions for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank, as President Obama prepares to bypass Congress by approving a massive transfer of wealth from America into globalist hands.
Once you start following the money it all leads back to the Financiers. Even the monster Monsanto Corporation is controlled by the Financiers – 85% is owned by mutual funds who vote the stock. For example the Johnson family owns the the fidelity groups and control about 6% of Monsanto stock.
“An analysis of the 2007 financial markets of 48 countries shows the world’s finances are in the hands of a few mutual funds, banks, and corporations. This is the first report of global concentration of financial power…. http://www.insidescience.org/research/study_says_world_s_stocks_controlled_by_select_few
It used to be ten Corporations controlled 80% of the food supply, now in the USA it is down to five… https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=105152916
World wide, five corporations control 90 percent of the international grain trade, three countries produce 70 percent of exported corn… National food reserves have been privatised and are now run like transnational companies…. Governments and private grain dealers used to hold large inventories in normal times, just in case a bad harvest created a sudden shortage. Over the years, however, these precautionary inventories were allowed to shrink, [The USA as now has NO grain reserves] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14378
This covers the basics about the threat to our food supply:
CONTROL OF THE WORLD’S FOOD SUPPLY: http://www.converge.org.nz/pirm/ctrlfood.htm

December 18, 2009 11:51 am

>>Who still refers to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia? Only racists
>>who are severely divorced from reality.
I daresay Monckton uses the name ‘Rhodesia’ in the same manner as I do – to openly declare that that nation was wealthier, safer and better managed when under the control of Ian Smith.
And there is no racism in this. Before his death, Ian Smith demanded of Mugabe that they both walk through the black townships to see how the locals lived – but with no bodyguards. Mugabe refused, because he knew that it would he who would be torn apart, not Ian Smith.

December 18, 2009 11:52 am

Gail Combs,
“This will last just long enough for those who remember democracy to die off and the UN trained “Global Citizens” to become the majority.”
What do you think starts revolutions?

December 18, 2009 11:57 am

>>I personally believe the whites should have seen the
>>writing on the wall many years previously and made
>>a graceful exit.
Are you saying that the Africans settled in Europe and America should ‘see the writing on the wall’ and go back to Africa??
Why the racism? (the differing perception and opinion, depending on race).

Nigel S
December 18, 2009 12:13 pm

Another PhD of course is The Dear Leader Gordon Brown aka Macavity and look how well that turned out for the UK economy.

Joe Parale
December 18, 2009 12:37 pm

Richard111 (11:16:16) :
No mention of Lord Monckton on the BBC site.
There’s No chance of that, while they pander to the procession of posturing politicians .
It’s in the FT ‘though:-

December 18, 2009 12:46 pm

Lord Monckton,
My deepest regrets that you got to ‘experience this’.
My mother was from England, and I was raised to be something of an English Gentleman. It did not sit well in a rougher culture where I was raised. (I’ll spare the details)
Eventually I learned a very important lesson: “Be A Mirror. -E.M.Smith”
People can only understand things presented the way they think and at their level. With street thugs (in uniform or not) you will get little benefit from your civility. Sad, but true.
When immersed in a “rough culture” you must be “rough” to be seen by them as normal. If you are “polite” you are seen as weak and a target.
So if a person speaks at 4 th grade level, that is what they will understand, and that is the level at which you must speak.
If a person is indoctrinated in Communism, you must find a way to explain how capitalism works without recourse to the tainted words (or by learning the equivalent in their world view).
It even extends to the need to (as in Aikido in the physical world) merge with an opponents direction of motion and world view, then turn them. A ‘head to head’ does not speak to them, but if you mirror to them those points on which you agree, then focus on gentile change where you do not agree, they will shift. So first, “Be a Mirror”, then nudge…
And as any ‘street person’ can tell you: When the police first show up with riot gear, you turn around and leave as fast as you can. It is not possible to reason with a street goon in gear. The only way you can “be a mirror” is if you have a badge and baton… No mirror? Leave.
Part of how I know this is that I have many police friends. I was an “Eagle Scout” in a troupe devoted to law enforcement. I’ve had some of the training. Part of the specific training is that you always show “superior force” and you always escalate beyond the crowd.
So if a crowed member talks nice, they talk mean. If you from the crowd ask them to stop pushing you, they push harder. As you have now learned… It is a fundamental of all their training to assert dominance beyond all else because they are there for crowd control and from dominance comes control. You were pushing for ‘equality and fair treatment’ … That can not be left to stand. It is part of the training of such units.
So while it pains me to say this: “Welcome to Joe Sixpack’s world”.
If you are ever in California near San Francisco, I know a couple of good pubs and the beer (or other beverage) is on me. It would be nice to be in a place, and with company, where one could just be a gentleman again…
BTW, It would be good to take training in “how to fall”. I can now fall in any direction at any time and not be hurt. Even with “feet trapped straight forward” (the hardest fall…). It takes about a week to learn, is fairly good fun, and you will never have a hard fall again. Aikido and Judo both do it well, but even my Karate instructor had us do falls for days… Works well in skiing too. When in doubt, just bend your knees and curl into a ball with arms in a boxers position (but there are better ways). And best of luck to you. We need more folks like you in the world.
E. M. Smith chiefio.wordpress.com

Indiana Bones
December 18, 2009 2:06 pm

They fired the Danish Climate Minister from the Presidency of COP15?? So much for COPs.

Indiana Bones
December 18, 2009 2:20 pm

Lord Monckton:
I too gladly hoist a pint in your honor sir. What E.M. Smith (a man of many talents) is saying is put another way in this quote from the excellent film “The Untouchables:”
“You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That’s* the *Chicago* way!” Malone/Sean Connery

John C. Randolph
December 18, 2009 2:43 pm

I’d like to know why both the Danish police and the UN security forces failed to arrest Mugabe. Aren’t there several international warrants out for that repugnant little thug?

December 18, 2009 3:26 pm

Let us not forget the real hero of this story: Al Gore.
If he had not invented the Internet we would know nothing of this!

Indiana Bones
December 18, 2009 4:22 pm

The whole charade provides many reasons to start dismantling bloated government both within the U.S. and the U.N.. Both have become fat, lazy and over-pampered. The “climate change” battle is really about money and how much money the developing nations and green con artists can extort from developed nations.
The whole area of “models” has been a dismal fail in my estimate.

Tsk Tsk
December 18, 2009 6:01 pm

Abandon all hope! Jackson has spoken and the AGW zealots will have a supermajority in the senate in 2012. Well, I guess it’s all over then… What’s that? The polls say what? Oh, um, er, nevermind. Can’t wait for the midterms. >:)

D. Patterson
December 18, 2009 6:18 pm

John C. Randolph (14:43:41) :
I’d like to know why both the Danish police and the UN security forces failed to arrest Mugabe. Aren’t there several international warrants out for that repugnant little thug?

Mugabe enjoys diplomatic immunity as a head of state with respect to United Nations functions.

December 18, 2009 9:00 pm

Obama is certainly in a pickle. At least he’s getting the US back in global climate talks – that’s obviously a step
in the right direction. Speaking of -we shouldn’t stop working at our local level just because world leaders are
making speeches 🙂 http://www.tictacdo.com/ttd//Apply_green_trends_in_your_workplace The web is filled with great
suggestions on how we can help on the microlevel.

December 18, 2009 9:14 pm

Anyone who is the least bit surprised at any of these occurrences wherever
the western monetary/power elites are in control is either dead asleep or
a goddamed liar! How long the get away with this filth will be up to the
masses who tolerate them!
E. Tippett
Chicago, Illinois

December 19, 2009 1:26 am

ralph (11:57:08) :
>>I personally believe the whites should have seen the
>>writing on the wall many years previously and made
>>a graceful exit.
Are you saying that the Africans settled in Europe and America should ’see the writing on the wall’ and go back to Africa??

Why the racism? (the differing perception and opinion, depending on race).
Nothing to do with racism. More to do with pragmatism. And anyway, the two situations are utterly different. The Europeans went to Africa as conquering colonialists, whereas the Africans were brought to America and Europe as slaves.
And that’s the end of this off topic conversation as far as I’m concerned.
Reply: Yes. ~ ctm

December 19, 2009 1:38 am

E.M.Smith (12:46:59) :
And as any ’street person’ can tell you: When the police first show up with riot gear, you turn around and leave as fast as you can. It is not possible to reason with a street goon in gear. The only way you can “be a mirror” is if you have a badge and baton… No mirror? Leave.

Yep, this is why I said I take precautions when going on demo’s where the govt have given the cops the go ahead to play rough.
You don’t affect policy held by both main parties through the ballot box, so you either put up with it and grumble, or you fight. We won the poll tax argument, it was the beginning of the end for Thatcher. The govt still got their enhanced census and surveillance in the end through the council tax that replaced it though. This is their modus operandi: Demand something beyond what you really want, and ‘compromise’ to the position where you wanted to get to.

BTW, It would be good to take training in “how to fall”. I can now fall in any direction at any time and not be hurt. Even with “feet trapped straight forward” (the hardest fall…). It takes about a week to learn, is fairly good fun, and you will never have a hard fall again. Aikido and Judo both do it well.

Yes. Lord Monckton was following advice on ‘passive resistance’, hands in pockets etc. Can work ok with ordinary uniformed bobbies in the UK, he found out the hard way that turning your back on a cop in riot mode with your hands in your pockets can get you a cracked head.

December 19, 2009 2:50 am

tallbloke (00:57:01) wrote: “Which is worse, semi-benevolent white elitist racism, or Mugabe’s tribal racism with added terror and hunger?”
You (and I think savethesharks) miss my point entirely. Monkton fills the role of skeptical activist but he spreads himself too thin by introducing too many unfashionable ideas at once. He simply comes across as reactionary and it doesn’t matter that he is right about any or all of his views. We all recognize congenital greeny activists by their ridiculous in-built sense of grievance and righteousness about everything, and feel safe to laugh them off as lefty gadflies. In this struggle we need spokesmen with unwavering focus, not a gadfly who introduces tangential issues at random intervals; it is bad political technique and this long ago became a political struggle.

December 19, 2009 4:38 am

Hunter (19:05:42) :
Who still refers to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia? Only racists who are severely divorced from reality. Not much point reading on when you realised the author is of that ilk.
Lighten up, Francis — for most of Lord Monckton’s life (and mine), Zimbabwe was *Rhodesia*. And nobody throws the “racist!” card at the American Kennel Club when the don’t talk about “Zimbabwean Ridgebacks”.
You must have fun trying to discuss Thailander cats.

December 19, 2009 4:45 am

Lord Monckton is my hero and I would like to wish him a speedy recovery and a Happy Christmas

December 19, 2009 5:33 am

You make a good point. Perhaps it is just the excitement of the occasion, but probably it is simply because Lord Monckton has linked AGW with corruption and global authoritarianism. These are all linked issues, but I agree that he should try and be a little more focussed if he is to successfully present a coherent picture.

December 19, 2009 7:14 am

Roy (02:50:14) :
tallbloke (00:57:01) wrote: “Which is worse, semi-benevolent white elitist racism, or Mugabe’s tribal racism with added terror and hunger?”
You (and I think savethesharks) miss my point entirely.

I addressed your specific point head on, now you raise another:
In this struggle we need spokesmen with unwavering focus, not a gadfly who introduces tangential issues at random intervals; it is bad political technique and this long ago became a political struggle.
I agree that the lefties will use Monckton’s naming of Rhodesia as a stick to beat him with, but I’m sure he was right to raise the issue of Mugabe’s presence at the summit. The fact that his prime minister was excluded from their delegation should have been used by Ban Ki Moon as a legitimate reason to exclude Mugabe.
Maybe the liberal press will realise this and downplay the issue. I think it will get lost in the bigger media scrum anyway, so nothing to get too worked up about.

Steve Schaper
December 19, 2009 9:19 am

One might hope that a PhD in physics would understand the experimental method and data collection and analysis, and therefore not fall for the Warmist con.
The threat to take our ‘guns and gold’ not to mention our religion from us (note to tyrants and sturmabteilung, it can’t be done, we will die first, and always have, through the millennia) is chilling – and should be taken seriously. Jackson is not alone in this pogrom-mentality. This sort of thing that one mainly sees at the Daily Kos and Huffington Post preceded Krystallnacht and Auschwitz. They should be taken very seriously. The last time, those who didn’t take them seriously died in ovens and showers.
I certainly wouldn’t want to drink -inorganic- wine! 😉
Lord Monckton might want to consider a titanium-reinforced bowler in the future at such events. . .

Steve Schaper
December 19, 2009 9:40 am

Referring to Mugabe’s domain as “Rhodesia” is a protest against his brutal dictatorship of rape and mass murder which is in the scale with Pol Pot’s Kampuchea. Naming that region after an old Arab slave-buying post never did seem like a good idea to me, I don’t know what else to call it, though.
And I do insist on calling Burma, ‘Burma’.

December 19, 2009 10:29 am

Global warming scientists melt and fall over when confronted about corrupt global warming data. These warming scientists who manipulated data are criminals.
“When Lord Monckton’s questions about a conflict of interest between Dr. Pachauri’s financial interest and position on the IPCC were not adequately answered he stood up and demanded an adequate response
Dr. Pachauri appeared totally unprepared to appropriately answer the questions and ran out of the building immediately after the Q&A session closed without talking to anybody.”

December 19, 2009 10:54 am

What a laugh Obama had to return from the UN global warming summit because of a massive snow storm over Washington. Obama is corrupt and lying just the same as scientists in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) who’ve manipulated climate data. The irony could not be made up to be more laughable!!

December 19, 2009 11:03 am

E.M.Smith (12:46:59) :
(and also tailbloke)
I would not recommend Lord Monckton to do anything differently than he has done. I especially wouldn’t recommend that he attempt to blend in and work from the inside. That might do for certain people in certain situations, but Lord Monckton’s in-your-face truthfulness is exactly what is needed, in the current situation.
Examine the way Churchill dealt with Hitler, and show me a time Churchill attempted to blend in and work from Hitler’s side. I think you will see Churchill tended to begin nearly all his political discussions with in-your-face bluntness, and only later to retreat towards anything like compromise.
Apparently Churchill was touring Germany before the war, (1934?) (Read “The Last Lion,”) and had a chance to meet Hitler in an informal setting. They were staying overnight in the same hotel, or some such thing. Churchill was wary of being used as a photo-op, (to make Hitler look less threatening to English conservatives,) so perhaps he torpedoed the meeting on purpose. However the way he did it was to ask Hitler’s official, who had dropped by Churchill’s hotel room to feel-out the prospects of a meeting, why Hitler was so down on Jews. No meeting followed. However I think that shows how Churchill made no effort to “blend in,” or “be a mirror.”
I think Lord Monckton is marching to the same drummer. There are times you cannot allow truth to be watered down, because then it isn’t truth any more. I really admire Monckton’s ability to think on his feet, and to refuse to allow conversations to be diverted into sidetracks.
It’s also a bit absurd to give Lord Monckton the advice you give an uninvited protestor, when he was an invited guest of the UN. This situation makes the hosts look really bad, which may well be what Monckton intended.
Let me throw in my two-cents-worth, about how to handle yourself when up against bullies. While it is good to study beforehand, (and it appears both you and Lord Monckton have studied how to behave in a riot,) the actual present-tense situation involves an ability difficult to describe. You need to use your intuition, and you cannot say beforehand what you will do. Afterwards you tend to be amazed by how you disarmed anger or eluded snares, because you have used an ability which is not rehearsed like a speech. I’m not even sure there is a word for it. Fast-talking? Quick-wittedness? Think-on-your-feetedness? Whatever it is, Monckton’s got it.
I recall reading about a reporter who used this ability to survive being captured by rebels in the Belgian Congo in 1960. The rebels tended to shoot whites without asking any questions, but this guy started laughing. The more the rebels glared the more he laughed, asking them questions and jotting things down in his little notebook. After a while a couple of the rebels started to smile, and nudge the other rebels in the shoulder, and pretty soon the whole group was jovial, and the reporter got out of the situation with an amazing interview. However, afterwards, he could not explain why he laughed. He had never read in any book that it was the thing to do. It was just an intuition that sprang into his mind when he desperately needed it.

Larry LaBorde
December 19, 2009 12:12 pm

I believe it is only fair that Robert Mugabe receive fair compensation. I do not feel that 20 trillion dollars is too much for such a distinguished leader. I just think we should pay him in his own now worthless Zimbawa trillion dollar notes…….

Zeke the Sneak
December 19, 2009 1:11 pm

Accredited press organizations only at Copenhagen?
‘That brought to mind not only the difficulties I personally had getting into the conference center this week but also problems I ran into immediately with the UNFCCC’s secretariat when I tried to obtain press accreditation as IEEE Spectrum magazine’s editor for energy and the environment. When proper press credentials failed to arrive on request, and I sent an e-mail message of inquiry, the secretariat told me that they did not issue press credentials to publications of “non-governmental organizations” and only accredited press organizations somehow recognized by member governments.’

December 19, 2009 2:38 pm

Over the years, the left has always screamed that folks on the right are the purveyors of tyranny & hate. They told all the right was responsible for possible ‘Nazi-like’ governance. We were told people on the right were mean & vicious. Yet when I see how ‘the left’ is now responding to its power in America & around the world, I suspect the world has been the dupe of a system designed to discredit those they see as enemies so the left can assert its global government on all. And woe be it to those who actually voice opposition or any level of dissent. Obama has attacked any & all who may voice an opposition opinion & his administration is rife w/ folks who would gladly shut down the voices of his opposition, so all the people hear is ‘his word’ and no other viewpoint is available.
Some on the right are nuts… but lets be real folks, many on the left are just as nuts & in a number of cases, significantly more vicious!

December 19, 2009 4:57 pm

Amen to that!!

December 19, 2009 9:25 pm

Roy (02:50:14) :
Monkton fills the role of skeptical activist but he spreads himself too thin by introducing too many unfashionable ideas at once.
Too many people pushing too many “fashionable ideas” got us into this mess in the first place.

December 20, 2009 12:38 pm

All the best wishes to Lord Monckton!
Here he is demonstrating that asking a Greenie simple basic questions is allways the best approach;

December 20, 2009 5:58 pm

For a group that is all so ready to leap upon the use of the word “trick” in a scientific paper, you’re very understanding about the use of the word “Rhodesia” by Christopher Monckton.
At least the use of the word “trick” is well-established in scientific literature, especially where mathematics and statistics are concerned.
The use of the word Rhodesia these days is however established in few places where the light still shines.
Next time the anti-climate science PR machine think they’re being so clever fooling people with cherry-picking “tricks” they might want to do some research first so as not to end up with egg on face. . .
and Monckton might want to start doing some schooling as well. He’s degreed only in the classics and journalism, not science at all.
It hasn’t stopped his vocal opinion from foraying into the medical field though when he advocated that all carriers of the AIDS virus be forcibly collected and quarantined for life.
If he has published anything scientifically relevant in the atmospheric climate research realm however, it’s deeply hidden. Oh wait, there was that APS opinion piece. Not peer reviewed, not scientifically examined, and given a quite proper note to that effect. He wasn’t happy with that and claimed he had been edited. If that were the only hurdle to publishing data my research group would not be labouring over the 3rd review of our paper at this moment!
Is allowing hobbyists to dictate public policy a wise move in any nation however. Even Al Gore doesn’t claim to be a scientist.

December 21, 2009 4:00 am

I don’t understand your last comment Myshele.
You criticise Lord Monckton for trying to influence the debate even though he has not got a science degree yet you appear to support Al Gore and his campaign even though in this respect he is like Monckton?

PeterB in Indianapolis
December 21, 2009 11:00 am

Jackson is certainly amusing. Of course he fails to use any logic whatsoever to back up his arguments, but then again, his arguments were not logic-based to begin with.
Overall the most amusing comments I have seen in a while… along with the ones bashing Monkton for using the name “Rhodesia” instead of Zimbabwe. I am sure that there are many in the British house of Lords that still refuse to recognize that country as anything other than “Rhodesia”. It was certainly much more prosperous back then. Far from perfect, but then again, it went from far from perfect to absolute hell-hole after Mugabe took over, and you would have to be a REAL racist to not admit that fact.

December 21, 2009 6:36 pm

[snip – sorry just way over the top for this blog -A]

December 23, 2009 9:03 pm

As individuals we also have to walk the walk if we want to talk the talk… small changes = big impacts.

December 27, 2009 7:21 pm

The USA is broke !
Just raised debt ceiling to 12 TRILLION $$$$
Come one and all.
Get get our monopoly money !
We’ll sell you our phoney greenbacks !

December 27, 2009 7:43 pm

To you Mychele (17:58:09) :
Your words:
the use of the word “trick” is well-established in scientific
literature, especially where mathematics and statistics are
Please, then tell me , in math, what trick is used in 2+2=4 ?
Please tell me what math tricks were used with the 1st
landing on the moon ? Were their primitive computers loaded
with “tricks” to guide them to the Sea of Tranquility ?
PRESICELY WHERE they were supposed to land ?
a TRICK is A TRICK ! Fudge factors are sometimes necessary
to make up for lack of data on a continuing trend.
But it’s more than apparent that tricks and fudge factors
were grossly misused in all this climate data hoax.
The leaked emails attest to that. Face it. The lid has blown
off of the scam ! Analasis of the parts of the code that were
leaked show HARD numbers where DATA should be to skew the
results in a favorable way. PHONEY OUTCOME !
PLUS… the raw data was dumped !!!
Convieniently after a FOIA request !!!!
I damn well gaurantee that the FOIA data is STILL intact.
Frrauds, every one of you “scientists” !!!

December 27, 2009 9:06 pm

Mugabe! and people giving him a round of applause? omg isn’t he a crook, why doesn’t america remove him? isn’t he a human rights abuser on a massive scale?
shame on them

December 27, 2009 10:53 pm

wizzpizz – I’m sure they’d have been delighted to nab Mugabe! Unfortunately, he has “Diplomatic Immunity”!!

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